Friday, December 12, 2008

First Love

Ahhhhhh! Your first love. Everyone has either had one, has one or will have one. They are generally monumental and typically remain somewhere in your mind for a long time (if not forever). Can you remember the "crazy things" you did for the first love? Many of us go back to our Elementary School days with thoughts of boy chasing girl, pulling girls hair, girl clobbering boy, girl and friends giggling about boy getting clobbered and boy thinking girl is beautiful.

Regardless of how many times the boy got clobbered he still would always go back for more. He loved the attention, the interaction and "the moment". Faced with awkwardness, shyness and a warped since of feelings the boy would continue to vie for the affection of his girl. For example, Darla and Alfalfa, how many times did Alfalfa "pursue" Darla only to have her skip away with Waldo. Countless times Alfalfa would croon to his girl in hopes of winning her affection, only to have her put him down.

For whatever reason your First love is important because it is your "first". Essentially you enter into this "love" with no preconceived notions, ideas, concepts or baggage. So it is automatically "fresh". This can only happen once. It requires a lot of "faith" as well.

I have a wonderful wife and like any couple we have had some good times and some times that were not as good. We met in college and I can remember the different antics I used to try and get her to notice me. Then once she noticed me I can remember how nervous I would be about seeing her and talking to her. Then as we began to spend time with each other we began to know each other better and we began feeling more and more comfortable with one another. This is probably similar to many other relationships.

In the beginning of relationships and "pre-relationship" both parties will work extremely hard to keep the interest up and to impress the other person. During this time we dress nicer, act differently and in some ways become a different person altogether. We write love letters, talk all the time and when we are with that person the world just seems to be perfect.

What tends to happen is we become so comfortable with the other person and how they feel about us we easily become lazy and self-centered. We do not go out of our way for the other person as much anymore, time constraints, obligations, other interests, responsibilities and apathy tend to rob us of our "First Love".

Revelation 2:3-5 You have endured and gone through hard times because of me, and you have not given up. But I do have something against you! And it is this: You don't have as much love as you used to. Think about where you have fallen from, and then turn back and do as you did at first. If you don't turn back, I will come and take away your lampstand.

The people of Ephesus were in this same kind of relationship. Their relationship was with God. In the beginning, when they first noticed Him, they went out of their way to please Him. They could NOT spend enough time with Him, always wanting to be with Him more and more. They talked with Him for hours upon hours and anything He asked them to do they would do their best to complete it to His satisfaction.

Then as they became "comfortable" with Him being around they didn't feel the need to do as much. "We are together now..." So they began to do less and less and the time they spent together became shorter and shorter.

I am sad to say that I too have fallen into these type of pitfalls. Both spiritually with my Heavenly Father and literally with my wife. In the book of Revelation, the writer, encourages the people of Ephesus to RETURN to their first love. So we are not alone in losing sight along the way or becoming distracted; but they were also advised of the potential danger of not returning to their first love.

The people of Ephesus had done a lot of things right, in fact all of them but ONE. They did not love God as much as they used to. Regardless of what you have done or are doing if you do not continue to love like you used to then you are not the only one missing out. Whatever distractions have come between you and your first love git rid of them and ENJOY your first love!

Return to your first love...

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Team Spirit

I find it amusing how sports tend to bring out "the best" in people. Have you ever seen the fans at a game who paint their faces, their bodies and dress up in ridiculous costumes all in the name of team spirit? For what? To merely display their "Team Spirit". Don't get me wrong...I love to partake in the rousing of the opposition and the camaraderie of fellow fans united under the valance of "team sports". We all know someone who is "over the top" and "in your face" about their team and they will stop at nothing to show their team spirit and celebrate when their team is victorious.

We have all heard people make the comparison of showing ones excitement in worship vs. the enthusiasm one has at a game. I want to draw attention to the "devotion". Avid fans dawn their team memorabilia and they will proudly sit in the midst of the other teams fan, cheering just as loud (most of the time louder) and not think twice about it. While, on the other hand, some people do not want to be "labeled" as Christian, spiritual or religious. I am thankful that when God calls us He does not require ridiculous costumes, face paint and boisterous actions. He simply wants us to love Him (more than anything else), love everyone else and that sums it up.

Romans 1:16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth.

So my question is...."How much 'Team Spirit' do you have?" I am almost certain that more people know about your favorite team than they do your Saviour. The wonderful thing about THIS team is we win and we already know it....So Root! Root! Root! for YOUR home team...

Going Deep!

Recently I was challenged in my Christian walk to "Go Deeper". Immediately an image of water, scuba diving and swimming pools came to my mind.

What does it mean to "go deeper"? I am not sure what this meant; but I was certain there was only 2 ways to do it. Much like going into the deep end of a pool.

Have you ever gotten into the pool when the water is cold? You "sneak" into the shallow end and waddle, squirm and prance around waiting for your body to adjust to the cool feel of the water. It takes you forever to finally get to the "deep end". This would indicate that our surroundings and "comfort levels" are what controls our pursuit of God.

The only other way I can think of would be to get it all over with quickly. Jump into the deep end and there is no time of adjustment needed and the hard part is over. There has to be a since of "trust" when it comes to "jumping in". What is out there? How deep is deep? What if I can't keep my head above water? What will happen?

Much like the deep end of the pool God is calling us to a "deeper" relationship with Him. My deep end may not be as deep as yours or your deep end may resemble the kiddie pool. Either way the important thing is to "GO" deeper. This would mean you are changing, pursuing, being obedient and living.
Ezekiel 47:8-9 And He said to me, "This water flows toward the eastern region and goes down into Arabah, and enters the sea, when the water flows into the sea, the water will become fresh. And wherever the the river goes, every living creature that swarms will live, and there will be many fish. For this water goes there, that the waters of the sea may become fresh; so everything will live where the river goes."

Did you see what happened? The water was dirty, contaminated and nothing could live in it. Then it began to "flow" into the sea. By "going deeper" the rotten-ness became clean, fresh, desirable and life giving.

So why not "GO DEEP"? Are you in the need of some refreshing?

Come on in the water is fine!

The Shaping of the Arrow

Not too long ago I read a book by Israel Houghton called "A Deeper Level" and in it he gave an analogy that peeked my interest. This "thought" has rattled around in my head for awhile and here is what I have come up with...

An arrow is defined by a few key components. The arrowhead (point), the shaft, the fletching (feathers) and the nock (the slotted end). Obviously, all of these components are vital to the success of the arrow. I used the word "obviously" as if this fact was undisputed and blatant. If you only work on the arrowhead (point), when released from the bow you will definetly hit "something"... But if the shaft is NOT straight, you will not be able to hit your "intended" target. The smoother and straighter the shaft the better the arrow. A crooked arrow is worthless to the Archer regardless of the sharpness of the arrowhead. The "purpose" of the arrow is to fly TRUE. True=as intended or designed to do.

Isaiah 49:2 He (God) made my mouth like a sharp sword; in the shadow of His hand He hid me; He made me a polished arrow; in His quiver He hid me away.

To appreciate this arrow-making process one must understand and appreciate the maticulous, tidious details that go into it. In Biblical times the arrows were made from branches from the Acacia tree. This tree was usually identified by the "knotty" characteristics of his limbs and the hardness of the wood. The archer would select the branch and begin to cut away the "knots" and smoothing the surface. Eventually, the branch had become smooth as a result of the countless time and effort put into making it smooth. Boiling hot water would then be applied to the branch where it would harden the wood even more as it would be dried by the sun.

Modern times do not really speed this process up any more. Although, varying materials are now used it is still a diligent and daunting task to make the arrow as aerodynamically fit as possible.

What I have taken from this is the fact that when God gets us we too are full of "knots" and rough spots. We must be sanded, shaven and shaped until we are "true". This is not easy on the arrow-but it is necessary! In our quest to become "true" we must endure some heat, but it will be used to strengthen us.

We must have the desire to be the chosen arrow. When called upon by God we will not have to prepare or procrastinate we just have to "be". As the Archer places us in the bow and prepares for the release that will send us into flight we can rest assured that our flight will be true and effective.




Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Opening Doors?

Here I am a man who a week ago had everything going his way. Sure I had the occasional bump in the road; but for the most part everything was running smooth. There were things in my own life that I was praying about but they were not urgent. Just upcoming some day. Well all of that changed. Life turned on a dime and I hit a huge pothole. Well the things I was praying about just sort of answered themselves. Of course without any input or consultation on my behalf.

It has been said that when God closes one door he will always open another. That phrase has jumped off my own lips a time or two toward other people; but for my ears it has become to difficult to hear. I do not doubt that another door will some day open; but what about the time you spend trapped feeling claustrophobic. Are 2 doors ever opened at the same exact time? Well imagine the one door closing, in my case closing very fast. Now, imagine another door slowly opening, but not immediately after the other one closes. See now you have that moment that may in fact be brief; but feels like eternity where all the doors are closed and the room seems to be closing in on you. For that moment words of encouragement can't seem to find their way in and optimism just don't cut it.

Well I now write this on the backside of the "unopened" door and can truly say that God is faithful and His timing is perfect. I have learned that "emergencies and urgency's" seem to occur when my needs are not met and when things to follow my schedule or own planning. So during my closed door moments I began to realize how selfish and demanding I had become toward God. Basically, exposing that I had not relinquished "full control" to God.

Then I begin thinking about how patient and loving my heavenly father is. Much more than I, because the minute things didn't go my way I was ready to give up, throw in the towel and look for the emergency exits. Not Him, see God allows us to learn things on our own. The learning curve is often steep and He has this amazing thing called "Grace" to make sure we come through everything just fine "as He had already planned".

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

I approved this message...

My fellow Americans! We know these men and woman as much as we know our own family. We listen, we judge, we agree, we oppose and we BELIEVE...As the last push for battleground states continue I wonder how much more "Change" can we endure? The hot topic going down the final stretch is the "Financial Crisis". Well here is my answer..."Quit Spending!"
In 2oo8, the Democratic National Convention was held in Denver, CO. The cost for this one event has exceeded $53.86 million. Mr. Obama has spent, in his own campaign, over $500 million with an additional $600 million on hand. Now here's a thought. As our country faces economic woes and we listen to the ramblings of Presidential hopefuls I am appalled at the amount of spending one does when trying to "solve" our financial crisis. To me this type of spending does not cry out "CHANGE".

I would like to see our Government institute a program that would tax the politicians. Create a "buy in" that would cause candidates to give a certain (high) amount of money back to the general public. In addition, I would like to see a large percentage of political donations be taxed and given back to the general public. Instead of political rhetoric and polished campaign speeches written by a staff of unknown people, we should examine how much these candidates can improve the economy during their campaign. We wouldn't send a Quarterback into the game without seeing how they play. Even Baskin Robbins will give you a free sample of ice cream before you are forced to buy.

As this Political season nears the homestretch we should all consider what is really at stake. I believe the President is just a mouthpiece for many members. With today's special interest groups and political power plays the Commander in Chief is not necessarily in the driver's seat. I pray that each one will vote for the person that they independently feel will be "submissive" (you never see that word used with a politician) to the guiding of God's hand.

Remember to vote and after Nov. 4 Democrats, Republicans, Liberals, Moderates and Independents can all go back to being friends again. God Bless America. I am Billy Griffin and I approved this message.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The Sound of Rain

As I sit in my chair; my precious son is fast asleep, my dog Rufus is curled up beside me in his blanket and Corky, the other dog, is with Brice. My wife is hard at work in the home office and I just sitting back collecting thoughts. Even though it is the middle of the week it has been a tough week and very draining emotionally and spiritually. With so many uncertainties spinning around I search for something stable and secure to grab onto. I am blessed with a beautiful family and have seen many times the providence of God within our own life. But as I sit here I must admit that I feel small (not in a "Biggest Loser" way), I feel humbled and somewhat struck down. I have never really been one of those who "search for significance" but this past week I have just felt downtrodden.

Part of this I tend to "blame" on the Praise Band's new consecration. I have sacrificed things in my diet, personal life and physical life that have bogged me down. I have wrestled with a spiritual heaviness and it wasn't until tonight that I was able to shake free. As I sit in my chair I am able to "rest in the quietness" and as the rain comes down in sporadic increments I am reminded of a couple of things. The one thing is that I am a person of worth to the King of Kings. As the rain falls I am also reminded that every raindrop falls in the exact location God wanted it to fall in. There are no rebellious raindrops. I am reminded that when things seem to get so busy that God will bring us to a "quiet place" so He can talk to us and whisper to us that He loves us and is control.

I am thankful that I had this time with the Lord and do not regret putting off those things that needed to be done or so I thought needed to be done. Our God is a wonderful, patient Father who will really pull out all the stops to spend time with His Child.

Look around you...I think it is raining outside, enjoy!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

"What did you say?"

OK I will be the first to admit I am not a science buff; but there are a few things I do know. Science will always try to put God made things into man made words. Today is no different
as I read about a "machine" that is going to re-create the BIG BANG. Are you freakin' kidding me? A machine is going to be God-like in the fact that it will "speak" the world into existence? This contraption cost nearly $10 BILLION and the potential side effects are an enormous black hole that is capable of sucking up the whole world. OK call me crazy but that is definitely strike 2. With gas prices muddling around the $4.00 per gallon mark a group of God hating scientist spend $10 BILLION to re-create the Big Bang and if they are correct the whole earth could be sucked into a black hole. Who approved this? This is absurd...Reports say they are searching for another "dimension" also referred to as the "God particle". This "God particle" is supposed the very thing that makes things happen and holds it all together. I have an idea that will save about $10 BILLION. I do concur that there is definitely a "God particle" that has created ALL of this and without question holds this together. For free I will tell you how this "God particle" spoke all of this into existence. The bang can be described as God himself saying "Let there be....." and BANG it happened. This "God particle" also saw a need to pay the price for sin (the entire tab) by offering the one thing he loved the most. The "God particle" gave His only son to live a life of compassion on earth to befriend everyone and then to die a cruel and horrible death being labeled a fraud to later defeating death and everything that goes with it to one day offer me, you and a group of idea crazed scientists the opportunity of a lifetime. This opportunity cannot be purchased (even at $10 BILLION) and will "instantly" change one from a life condemned to death to a life bound for glory. I like to refer to it as the GREAT EXCHANGE. You exchange your sin, baggage, fears and failures and "exchange" them for a life of forgiveness, freedom, love and victory. FREE absolutely free.
Another thought is how selfish? Why not use this money to work for cures, energy alternatives, social issues, poverty relief, etc.
Can I get an AMEN?

Sunday, August 31, 2008

My Fellow Americans

There is no place that you can go and NOT here talk about "politics" and the upcoming election. For some it is joyous time when every calculated move is analyzed and reviewed. For others they would be OK if they never heard another political banter for the rest of their life. Me-well I am somewhere in the middle. I love the strategies and "polished" approaches to dealing human life.

It is really pretty easy if you think of politics from a non-political approach. What red blooded American would not vote for someone who chose to spend their campaign budget on boosting the economy, who selected people at random to assist using their resources, or decided to balance the American budget in a Godly way based on Biblical principles? If there were as much action as their was talk, if the candidate could speak their "own" mind instead of that of trained, paid speech writers. If instead of talking about change they rolled up their sleeves to "help"?

For example, just consider the cost of the 2008 DNC (Democratic National Convention). Multiple locations, gargantuan stages and the countless other bells and whistles. Take the price tag of that single event and consider the impact it would make if you put it into a program to help the elderly, single parent low income families, medical bills? The upcoming Republican Convention will be no different. Is all the hype necessary? What about a single video taped speech from the front porch of a modest home using a home video camera? No high priced production, no elaborate settings just the candidate and the facts.

Does the President of the Untied States really have any power? Each one is held captive by their own agendas and Party obligations that we merely are electing a National Spokesperson instead of a ruler of the free world. With that we lose the ability to blame any one President for the current state of affairs at any given time.

As the time of election draws near please consider the choice that will honor God. The only way a President can be the "Instrument of Change" is to totally surrender their life and POWER to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. Unless this happens they will merely be a mouthpiece of the party.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Misinterpreted Reality

There are 2 specific incidents that have happened to me as a Father that has forced me to be under the viscous eye of judgmental scrutiny. The latest of which came just the other night.

The first incident was when I was walking Brice out to the car to go to daycare and he decided to boycott the situation and he began to kick, scream and begin his tireless rant and vertical tantrum. In the process I remained extremely calm with the hand of my child still within my grasp. This display of delinquency ended with a trip to the EMS station and the Emergency Room.

Brice had let out a scream that was different from that of the other one that was involved in the rant and began clutching his elbow. After the normal tantrum time limit had elapsed I became concerned when he could not be consoled. I made a trip to the local EMS station to see (for free) some of the men and women whom I have served with while with the Sheriff's Office. As they began to check him out I was asked, "How did this happen?" and I began to explain and I quickly noticed the glares and looks of "disbelief". I know these looks well because I have dished out quite a few within my day. I was then informed to take him to the Emergency Room. There is no lower feeling to know that your child is injured and hurt and that it is all your fault. So we make the trip to the Hospital and run through the same process as before. The Medical staff began their check and then I was asked, "How did this happen?" Again under the judgmental glare of the medical staff I explained how I was holding Brice's hand and he went to "flop" onto the floor and I held his arm up to keep him off the floor.

After a brief consultation from the Doctor I was informed that this is the "most common" injury brought into the Emergency Room among small children. I was relieved to find out that it was "NOT MY FAULT".

Well onto the other incident. I have 2 dogs in our house. Both are spoiled an complete wusses when it comes to being tough and rugged. A few nights ago we were preparing to eat dinner and Brice was talking with food in his hand and as I was scurrying around to get things put into place Brice begins crying horribly. I could tell that Rufus the Dachshund had bitten him while attempting to steal his chicken. This is an issue that happens with some frequency so I reacted toward Rufus and hit him as a form of discipline. In doing so Rufus lets out a loud yelp and goes to hide. A whole day and a half had passed and he was still hiding and not able to move around very good. SO off to the Vet for a visit. Again under the judgmental stares of the Vet staff i must explain why my dog is lame. Needless to say they did not like hearing how my dog was now because I "wailed" on it. Finally after some affectionate petting and consoling Rufus is on the mend and life is being restored.


I absolutely love modern technology. For some who has a constant need for human interaction I am easily "sucked in" by many of the onine social communities. Currently I find myself "drawn" to . It is online computer crack. It is addictive, time consuming and of they ever started charging for it I would be broke, selling my kids belongings for a simple log-in. I didn't always like it. I was a steady MySpacer and found Facebook difficult. Well lets just say that MySpace was my gateway drug. Now I am a full blown FB addict. It is a great way to connect and re-connect with not these friends but real ones. With each new addition to my list of friends I am overwhelmed by memories of good times and life lived. Friends are a unique creature. Friendships never seem to miss a beat regardless of how much time passes by they always seem to pick up right where they left off. That is pretty special. I have found old friends (in age and length of friendship), recent friends, friends who live far far away (but not with Shrek), friends who have changed drastically, some who have not changed at all and even some that I never really liked. But once you get into the grown up world all those petty things seem to wash away. Some of these relationships are awkard in the fact that when we ran in certain circles they were just people we knew and now that we all live in various parts of the world the simple fact of us rmembering each other fits the criteria for a new found friendship.

So reach out and reconnect. Be kind to everyone always because you never know you may just have to send them a Friend Request someday.

Friday, August 8, 2008

A Call to Remember

We all know that things can happen and before you know your life can change in an instant. This is especially true as a Law Enforcement Officer. I was reminded of that very same thing today when I bumped into a lady whom I will never forget but barely know. It was around Christmas time in 2004. I was working in Road Patrol and assigned to the Midnight shift. I remember there wasn't much going on this night and it was rather slow. Finally, I hear dispatch call my radio ID number and I respond. Dispatch has a call for service to assist the Highway Patrol. I like the trooopers so I was ok with this "disruption" to my quiet night. I then discover that I am to do a death notification. These are horrible...Usually left up to a Supervisor, but as the story goes there are never any around when you need one. I gather myself and collect the information and arrive at the house. It is late, about 3am or so. I knock on the door and there you cannot imagine any louder sound than that of you knocking on a door at 3am. Eventually a small framed older woman answers the door. She has an accent (Islander like) and a soft sweet voice. I go through my "rehearsed" speech that I had gone over and over through my head while in the car and on my way to her residence. I had the duty of telling her that a loved one had just been killed in another county in an automobile accident. Dispatch had given the person's name and when I tell her and she has no response. Finally a smirk like expression comes across her face and she informs me that "that" particular person (husband) passed away almost 5 years ago. Now I don't know what to do....Did I wake the wrong family up? Is this lady crazy? I politely excuse myself from the home and apologize and tell the nice lady good night. In a rage of embarassment and sympathy I call dispatch and have them confirm the information. The Highway Patrol forgot to put JR. on the end and I now had to re-address the woman and inform her that her son was now dead. This time in a moment of shock the woman stands there. She looks outside for the son's vehicle and then she hugs me, says "Thank You" and I leave. It was solemnly silent. I had no clue what to say or do . I do remember praying for her and her family. I left thinking she doubted the information I had just given her. Whether it was denial or wishful thinking on her part, besides I had already given her the wrong information once. I remember it was a Sunday night/Monday morning and my week was over for a few days. During my days off all I could do is think about this woman and her situation. When I went back to work on Wednesday I almost immediately went to check on her. Again she hugged me and told me everything was ok. I have seen her a few times since the incident, each time I get a great big hug and she always says "Thank You". Well today I bumped into her and it was all the same. She always tells me about the other children and grand children. I walked awy from there almost "having a moment" right there in the grocery store. I walked away feeling my eyes swell up and my chin begin to quiver. WOW....This is one of the reasons why people become cops. I realized a while back that I was the only person who could have taken that call. Not that I am any better than anyone else, but God had planned it that way. My "bond" now with this little old lady is proof of that. At that moment today I have never ever been more proud to be a Law Enforcement Officer.
As a side note-I was in training all this week and we examined Officers and Officer Involved Shootings. We met real heroes who had to take someone else's life for the protection of others. I was moved by this because each hero had their own way of dealing with it and their own response. It was a reminder of how dangerous this job can be, how quickly your whole life can change (forever) and that each moment is a true gift from God. I have tried this week to hug Brice "just one more time" and to talk to Jennifer "just one more time" and enjoy and live life. I am thankful that I have a God who has protected me and has allowed me to do what I do.
One Day At A Time-Sweet Jesus...

Sunday, July 20, 2008

A Special Moment

Monday Night the All-Star Home Run Derby was special to me for a couple of reasons. It turned into a great Daddy and Brice moment when he "allowed" me to watch the game with him on the big TV and opting out of his normal routine of Scooby Doo or some other bedtime show. He watched intently as we discussed moving your hands through "the zone", rotating your body and driving with your legs. I am sure we will have to review at a later date but it was great to have "this" with Brice. We observed what I thought was going to be a mediocre Derby because there were no SUPERSTARS. No big names and not even anyone with any killer stats. From the beginning I chose Josh Hamilton. He plays for the Rangers (my second favorite AL team) and he has cool tattoos. I found out later he was also from North Carolina and I thought it was cool that he was allowing his former coach pitch and experience the All-Star event as a show of appreciation. By this time I am thinking I picked a pretty good guy. As the night continued I became engulfed in this man's story. He had survived a hard battle with drug addiction, had been kicked out of baseball, lost his family and his dream. I began thinking there is only one way all of these things can take place and then see him in the All-Star classic. Josh Hamilton has had a lifechanging encounter with God. As Josh was being interviewed he continued to give thanks to an Awesome God. He described his comeback as a "God Thing". I was so impressed.

Hamilton went on to hit 28 First round Homers. A new record. He put on a clinic. Players, fans and Immortals were awe struck at this man's performance. After the First round it was a moving sight to see ALL the players come and pat him on the back and cheer him on. For a moment men set aside competition and enjoyed life. It was great to see. Players who were on the field with their kids kept sending them up during the at-bats to get autographs, high fives and deliver gatorade to Josh. Everyone wanted to be a part of this story.

His story is that after several (6) trips in and out of Rehab, many nights of wanting and trying to kill himself he hit rock bottom. Out of desperation and with nowhere else to go. A noticeably weak and frail man knocks on the door of his grandmother in the early morning hours. With the love of a grandmother she tells him he needs to get his life straight. She tells him the only way this can happen is if he surrenders to God. By the wonderful grace of a loving God, the prayers of a faithful Grandma and a dream that won't die Josh found himself on the road to recovery.

At the end of the night Brice and I had a great time with the game I love, I found a new hero and Josh Hamilton finished 2nd in a wonderful night of baseball competition.

I was disappointed to see that he did not win; but ultimately I know he has already won. Thank You Josh Hamilton for restoring the joy of watching baseball and for giving my son someone of character to look up to and admire. PLAY BALL!

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Random Thoughts

Unfortunately we have all known churches like this. Although it is TRUE do not let your worries dictate your life.

What a profound picture...

I like this sign...So many Churches calim this is not true; but embrace and change it. Other people realize it and many times stay away because of it. So why not ignore it any longer and BE REAL!

Although it is "a bit much" I do think it is pratical and hopefully useful.

It sounds a bit disgruntled doesn't it?

Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy 4th of July

Happy 4th of July...I love this holiday!
It is all about loving your country and Celebrating your Freedom. Sure you have your parades, picnics and fireworks but it all goes along with the "CELEBRATION". The other thing about this holiday is it doesn't have outside influences distracting the TRUE meaning of the holiday. For example, Christmas has become all about the gift giving instead of celebrating the Birth of Jesus. The 4th of July is all about America. I love the country in which I live, I love everything about it and would not want to be anywhere else. I feel that the American flag is the greatest piece of fabric in existance, it is a great logo, emblem and distinguishing piece of art. So when you set aside a day to celebrate the things I love then this is it the 4th of July.
I am also amazed at the cost of such a celebration. With men and women everywhere leaving their families behind and the comforts of all they know to stand against everything that could take our freedom away. WOW! How do you say "Thanks". We recently learned of the deaths of 2 soldiers who lost their life serving as Soldiers in Iraq. Both soldiers with roots to such a small town. Everyone has been effected in some way or another. I know people when they hear of these things take the opportunity to speak out against war and our particular involvement in a war. Or they question the decisions of our leaders. The first thing that stands out to me is that without the men and women of our Armed Forces these poeple would not be allowed to publicly voice their opinion, or be able to mock and heckle the ruler of its nation without great fear of retaliation. We have all heard the phrases and mottos of one giving all fo the service and love of their country but the thing that moves me most is how these soldiers for a brief moment walk in a similar path as our Lord. Laying down one's life for the sake of another. That is why it is so precious to me.
John 15:12-14 (The Message)
11-15"I've told you these things for a purpose: that my joy might be your joy, and your joy wholly mature. This is my command: Love one another the way I loved you. This is the very best way to love. Put your life on the line for your friends. You are my friends when you do the things I command you.
Even the great men who signed our beloved Declaration of Independance were not with out their great sacrifices. Many of the signers were taken into custody as prisoners, as hostages, as objects of torment all in the name of Freedom. Their lives ruined, sacrificed and changed in the name of Freedom. Their families, their homes, their businesses, careers and dreams compromissed for the price of Freedom. I have heard it said that Freedom isn't FREE at all.
As this holiday is winding down I want you to think of how great you r country is. With gas prices going through the roof and an economy that is weak and shaky it is STILL the greatest plae to live. Thank God tonight for our forefathres who helped to trailblaze the road to freedom. The men who looked to the Lord for Guidance and Strength to change history with the scratching of a pen on an old parchment. For the men and women who fight for freedom. Finally, and for those who must carry on.
I would not feel right in sharing my thoughts on freedom and not mention the grace and freedom our Lord jesus Christ offers. It is way more than being Patriotic, and it is even more than being a Christian. It is about a man who laid down his life for YOU. What will you do with that?

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Shhhhh...It's NOT a Secret!

1 Peter 2:9 (The Message) 9-10But you are the ones chosen by God, chosen for the high calling of priestly work, chosen to be a holy people, God's instruments to do his work and speak out for him, to tell others of the night-and-day difference he made for you—from nothing to something, from rejected to accepted.

I can recall a Christian song from a few years back that said, "You don't have the right to remain silent..." An obvious play on words from the phrases you hear on TV Cop shows. However, there is alot of spiritual truth to that. For example, Why do we as Christians remain silent, or soft spoken about the goodness of the Lord? I think for me it goes back to the negative connotations of childhood and being raised in churches that were "off the mark" in their approach to Evangelism.

We used to call it "witnessing"- much like a courtroom witness would tell their story from an "eyewitness" account. Meaning they would share something that they were a part of and had first hand knowledge of. I can remember so many times the question...."If you were to die tonight do you know where you would spend eternity?" No Hello-how are you?-great weather-nice shirt-nothing to break the ice. This was difficult for me it was weird and impersonal. I cannot recall great revivals at the hand of this tactic.

Then there was the tract method. Using strategery and economical cleverly phrased booklets to catch the eyes of its readers after being left in higgly visible places and random spots or distributed outside like free coupoins at a supermarket. Again I cannot recall any success stories in regards to this type of practice.

I have been in services, encounters and divine appointments that have resulted in people turning their lives to the Lord and surrendering into His precious Grace. Sure there are moments when these type of encounters have been used of God to change the life of an unbeliever; but what is the goal. Where is the finish line?

Personally, I feel that the best way to reach someone is by being their freind. I know that takes time; but I do feel that God calls us to be friendly, loving, enjoyable, pleasant, inviting, appealing and real. People are looking for something that can change their life and we have to live and "SHOW" that we have changed by the power of God's grace. We need to smile at people. Quit honking our horns we cars pull out in front of us. Limit our complaining. Be encouragers, huggers, role models for happiness. Good freinds, parents, neighbors, employees, spouses, guests, hosts, partners, teammates, etc. People are drawn to people. Draw people to you in order to show them (with your life) who Jesus is. Get them involved in your church. Have them over to your house for coffee, dessert and conversations.

Many have missed the boat by believing their church is where they go on Sunday. The "CHURCH" is all around us. Many talk about impacting the Kingdom of God with plans they have for their church (building). The Kingdom of God IS all around us. Our ministry should be outward and our worship inward. Not the opposite. The "title" of your church has nothing to do with the type of church you are. many have forgotten that we are all one church-those believing Jesus Christ as Lord a fellowship of Believers. Where it becomes muddy is when the "Quarterback" looks at the "linebacker" and says you are wrong, we do not do it this way. They are both on the same team and ultimately striving for the same goal. But positions have assigned themselves their own status and began seeing "elevations" at the foot of the cross. God loves quarterbacks and linebackers EQUALLY. Value has been placed on styles of worship, responses to worship, ideas, theology and even success in an attempt to be "SPIRITUAL". God loved the thief on the cross, who never sang one song, read one scripture or did one thing for "the kingdom", just as much as he loved David or Peter or Billy Graham. The foot of the cross is level.

I had a "fake" Rolex at one time and I thought it was the greatest thing. People didn't know it was fake and I was always looking for opportunities to show someone what time it was. Hoping to create some dialog about my amazingly cool watch. Well shouldn't we be the same way about our Lord. He is much greater than my BO-lex. Our motivation should be to try and inject Jesus into everything we do. 1 Corinthians 10:31 (New Living Translation) 31 So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.

People need to know that they are important. If we cannot make them feel this way they will never get close enough to Jesus to find out for themselves. Do not be afraid to tell everyone about your amazingly awesome friend JESUS.

Friday, June 27, 2008


Let me tell you about my wife...We will celebrate 11 years of Marriage this Saturday 6/28. After dating for nearly 5 years we have been together for a while. It hasn't always been easy...
I had to "trick" her into going out with me. I told her I was planning her a birthday party. She was the only one I invited. She and I had a class together in college (8am-not a great choice of times for me) and I sat at the back of her row-she sat in the front (she didn't know any better) and I had to pass by her desk to get to mine. I would "purposely" arrive after her and then as she is seated i would knock on her desk and eventually would get the nerve to leave candy on her desk. I finally got the nerve to call her one day. I had written out a list of topics to discuss in order to avoid any awkard silent moments. I get my list and finally call and as I am telling her who I am it is not ringing a bell with her. I started out with first name, then last name, then I finally told her we had a class together, named the class, the professor and then she says, "ok-now I know who you are". Well she remembered the guy who sat next to her (who was not me) and I had no plan B so the phone conversation ended.

One night after a Campus meeting where she and her roommate had sang together I had yet another idea. I recruited the help of one of my buddies and we approached the girls with an offer. It went a little something like this...."Hey we are starting a singing group and we were wondering if you wanted to be a part of it?" Well, they accepted and we had a few rehearsals, I was surprised at how many rehearsals we had because I had yet to sing the 1st note. However, the friendship had been formed.

After that first date we have had some ups and downs but I have no regrets for all the hard work and trickery it took to get her to go out with me. We survived long distances, astronomical phone bills, angry parents (phone bills) and countless misunderstandings.

To this day I still believe one of my scariest moments in life was calling her parents to "meet with them". I drove down to her parents and showed them the ring and asked if for their blessing in asking Jennifer to marry me. I really thought it would be a yes or no type situation. I had prepared for both. After what appeared to be days of silence her Dad asks a question. I was not prepared for questions....He asked me "What do I feel the Lord has called Jennifer and I to? I remember "squeaking" out an answer and feeling relieved thinking that answer would suffice. Well, then there was another question. It further questioned my previous answer. Finally, I survived or they had mercy and quit asking questions.

After our engagement we of course got married. Several moments stand out for me...I remember playing golf that morning. Brent and I rode together and everyone was in such a rush. Well most of you know how I am about rushing (I don't do it). I arrived at the church and immediately was bombarded with people all dressed up wondering why I wasn't dressed? I had gotten there wearing flips flops, a baseball cap and shorts with a tshirt. Aunt Brenda had fixed me a plate of food so I sat down to eat while everyone scurried around me. I remembered by shuffled from one hiding place to the next because jennifer and her entourage could not decide where to go. I remember seeing her as the doors of the church opened and how beautiful she was and thinking to myself-"don't cry dont cry-happy thoughts don't dry". It didn't work and then as we said our vows it felt like I swore off everything. The vows seemed like they lasted 10 days. As we drove off we arrived and Jennifer's house (parents) and a kid was in the driveway asking about the truck that was for sale. Both of us a blubbering mess he said he would come back later, he must have thought we were emotionally tied to the truck or something. After a ride to the mountains we arrive at our honeymoon destination. The next morning (our 1st morning as husband and wife) I wake up to a sobbing bride. Sobbing doesn't really fit but I cannot find a word that is worse than sobbing. What did I do? How do I make her stop? I'm hungry should I go to breakfst without her and bring her something back? She eventually called home and that seemed to make it better.

We have survived cross country moves, small apartments, evil landlords, sad good byes, great opportunities, new adventures, desperate times and times of loss. Through it all God has been faithful. We have learned to serve the Lord together, only after learning to serve Him alone.

Jennifer is the greatest thing. She is funny, tough, resourceful, creative, loving and my best friend.

Happy Anniversary...Being with you is what makes it HAPPY>

Worry, Small Talk and Sugar Cane

I do not consider myself a "worrier" and if I do on occassion decide to worry, I do not like for anyone else to know that I worry. I try to be a "rock" an "anchor" and worrying is not a good quality for either one of those personality types.

With gas prices increasing by the minute and our economy the worst I can ever remember I can say that I am a little "concerned" with everything. Florida passed a Property Tax deal that would lower property tax and in return the budgets of local emergency services and schools would be lowered, due to the cut in local property tax base. So for the first time in my career I have grown increasingly conscious of lay-offs, cutbacks and other budget disasters. There used to be an old saying that there were 2 jobs that would always be safe and that was teachers and Law Enforcement, well in our corner of the world they are both being laid off.

As if this news is not enough the 2nd largest employer of the county announced they were selling out to the State of Florida. US Sugar announced a plan to sell their land for the revitalization of the Everglades. 1700 jobs will now be done away with for the "restoration" of swampland. Within the city I am sure that US Sugar represents nearly 75-80% (generous estimate) of the city's tax base, as well as a large percentage of the county's tax base. Although it will be a slow transition (6 years) the thought of our community becoming a ghost town or a haven for violent crime and poverty is a little unnerving.

A day after this announcement I am at the gas pumps with Brice and he is "helping" me pump gas. Beside me is a big black SUV and a nice gentleman gets out and begins pumping his gas. After some time passes he peeks his head around and says it is a sad day when $100 cannot fill up your vehicle. Still "floored" about the US Sugar deal and the upcoming financial woes and doom to follow I chimed in with "yep, and it doesn't look like it will get any better with the closing of "Sugar" (big mistake)". I should have kept my mouth shut because I had just thrown my 2 cents at the CEO of one of "sugar's" citrus companies. Well, he still remains to be a nice man. He politely ask if I worked for Sugar and I replied, "no sir", expecting him at this time to tell me to mind my own business. Without a lot of detail he said that the community will be ok. The poeple of Sugar will be OK.

Let me pause to tell you something "spooky". While traveling to the Gas station with the Sugar deal heavy on my mind I thought (literally) what about the people who agreed to this deal? How will they be received by their employees? Do they worry about their safety? How have their lives been effected? Not 2 minutes after that I am face to face with Mr. CEO.

Mr. CEO had began telling me about "his" day and how he had to meet with employees all-day and share the news with them. He also told me of how his day was interupted by a funeral he had to attend of a 33 year old man (hey-that's my age group). Suddenly out of the sky a big pile of bricks fell on top of me. Mr. CEO must have seen it because he said the same thing I was thinking. "Work is work, our job should NOT be our life." Mr. CEO appeared to be saddened over the fact that his day was not yet complete. He had an 11pm appointment with the midnight shift at the plant to tell them yet again the news.

My heart went out to Mr. CEO. By this time I am holding Brice (so he doesn't get run over) and almost as if it is an object lesson, the man looks at Brice and says-"This is YOUR life" take care of him. As I worked to close my jaw dropped mouth I mustered up the words that EVERYTHING will be ok. We then "shared" that God is our provider, He's the Landlord, the Accountant, the CEO and Dad that we all need to make it through and "be OK".

The whole way home I was so upset for bringing up the Sugar thing. It really is NONE of my business. But I have come to believe that my big mouth may have been the Lord's way to minister to me and the CEO. The encounter with Mr. CEO was odd in the fact that I feel that both of us kind of ministered to ourselves as much as we did to the other.

The thing I want remind us (me included) is to be sensitive of opportunities to share, to smile and chit chat. You never know what may spring up from it. As a side bar also TRUST the Lord for He is in control.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Father's Day: Day of Reflection

Well today is Father's Day. I take joy in telling people it is my 4th Father's Day when Brice is only 3. Brice's first trip "out" was on Father's Day 2005 when he was just a few days old and we went to church. I remember being so proud. That feeling really hasn't changed at all. I can remember being so "scared" of Brice. He was so little and small and I felt like a giant and was so scared that I would break him. I was concerned with every grunt, cry and moan and always worried myself with what do I do now?
I learned, maybe too late or right on time, that kids are tougher than we know and that we put all the pressure on ourselves. I have done some really cool things as a Dad and I have messed up here and there too. Through it all both Brice and I have survived (so far). Every day I am challenged in a new way from Brice. I am constantly amazed at how fast he has grown, how much smarter he is than I give him credit for and the countless number of cute little ways he tries to get my attention. "The greatest gift I ever had came from God-and he calls me Dad!" by an unknown author.
Today is a celebration of "family". I believe that in today's household, Mom's and Dad's have become a "blended" role that we call a "Parent". I could not do this without Jennifer and I am thankful for both her and Brice. Brice is entering into a stage where he is alot of fun to "hang out" with. He is very independant and entertaining. I love the times we have together. Whether it be singing songs together on our way to Day Care, watching silly movies on TV or making fun of Mommy we have a good time. I can see the little things he does that I know he has picked up from me and some of it is cute; while some of it is scary....
Although I was treated to a barrage of gifts with Father's Day, Birthday and Anniversary all very close together I truly enjoyed spending the time with my family the most today. Daddy got to try his hand at making "homemade ice cream" and did get to have a relaxing nap (uninterupted, in the dark, in my own bed and without time restraints).
As I have spent most of the day reminescing about being a father, being a son I must admit I have had a day full of love and great memories. Today in church the children had a presentation where they sang "Jesus Loves Me" and then sang a 2nd verse that said, "Jesus loves YOU" and as they did they each went and grabbed their Dads by the hand and brought them forward. The thing that got me the most was how there were men there who probably realize that they have not been the best of Dads, some who did not get to experience a Dad and some who grew up with a great Dad and every scenario in between. I was reminded of our Heavenly Father who was "THE" father who was to be honored on Father's Day. He loves us and regardless of what kind of Dad we are or what kind of Dad we had He still loves us, cvares for us and calls us HIS own. He is as proud of us as I am of Brice (if not more).
Finally I look back and see alot of my Dad in me as I am starting to see so much of me in Brice and I am reminded of this quote..." He didn't tell me how to live; he lived, and let me watch him do it. ~Clarence Budington Kelland" I hope that I too can live by this pinciple as my Dad did. I have desired to be a Dad for a long time and have suffered, struggled and prayed until it happened. I think the greatest desire to be a father comes from the goal of being a great Dad like the one I have. I love you Dad.
To Brice I want to say "Thanks Dude!" for being the reason I celebrate Father's Day. You are a blessing far greater than you will ever be able to understand. I enjoy you and look forward to so much more. You make me happy. I want to watch you grow and become your own person and if you ever need any help always remember I am by your side. I love you BRICEY!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Happy Birthday

Jennifer has already blogged about Brice's Birthday but I too would like to share. As a parent you start out when the children are young with a list of attributes you would like your child to have and then there are the things you hope to teach or pass on to your child. Well I was pleased to see some of these things unfold today.

Brice awoke to find the house decorated in Scooby-Doo. We had built up this party for some time and he was anxious so it was a "Christmas Morning" type awakening this afternoon when Brice got up from his nap. He was soooo excited and as his friends started arriving he was telling them there is a BIG surprise and was telling them all "let me cho you sumtin!!!" Even though the party was for Brice he was so fixed on sharing this experience with everyone. I was pleased to see him share and take turns, thanking people for the gifts they brought and really being a sweet host. I was proud.

The highlight was his new Fire Truck. We got him a ride along Fire Truck and it is so cool. Brice is really into Fire Trucks and Fire Fighters right now and I too think they are "generally" super people. Well today some of our own "Hometown Heroes" brought the Fire aTruck to the house for te kids to see and experience. This was really great.

I cannot help but think during times like this what would Brice's life been like without us and what would are lives be without him. I think alot about his birth Mother and what she must go through every year around this time. To coin an old Garth Brooks' song "I guess the Lord knows what He is doing after all..."

My baby boy is growing up and I am so pleased with the gentleman he is becoming. Whenever you see a Firefighter or Police Officer remember it is little things like today that shape and mold a child's heart, dream and ambition. Thank You guys you are 10-8!

Cleaning Up the Clutter

This weekend I was able to do something I have not been able to do in over 2 years. There was a full size fully functioning automobile parked inside our garage. Our garage had always been a "catch-all" of sorts and storage for many out of the way things. Well this weekend I met it head on. After countless tyrips to the dumpster with loads and loads of "stuff" and other trips taking donations to other places the garage was finally swept out and ready to start housing some vehicles.

Late in the afternoon Jennifer lets out a squeal and I automatically think, " What is it now?" Well convinced she has encountered a 50 pound black widow I "rush" over to see in the handle of an old bucket that it was indeed a black widow. I assisted this spider to the "afterlife" and consoled my poor wife for her scary ordeal. Now many times I have been ridiculed and scoffed at for my "mean" (misunderstood) spirit. But I will have you know that even though we were back to work in the garage I never, ever, not even once acted out on my strong urges to point at my wife's feet and say "don't move!" or "SPIDER!". I did chuckle each time I thought of it but I never did go through with it. Am I not the sweetest?

Well today I looked at a passage in Pslam 139 where David was doing some "clutter cleaning" himself. Well, he cries out to the Lord to "search me". David was a guy who was either hot or cold when it came to the Lord. One moment he would be doing mighty things for the Lord and then before you know it he would do something outrageously wicked. Well i his cry he asked for the Lord to search him in order to make him right. I began thinking about our day of clutter cleaning and how it was amazing some of the things you put away and lose track of. Countless times I would have to stop and say, "wow, look at this" or " I have been wondering where this thing was". Some items I had totally forgotten about. The same is true within our own lives. We can tuck, cram and hide things within our own lives and if we leave it alone long enough we forget that it is there. Easy enough? Well the truth is that whatever it is we hide does not go away if we hide it; basically it is just removed from "our" sight.

In order to have a renewed fellowship with our Creator we must "clean our clutter". Allowing God to search us , purify us and change us we must let go of alot of stuff even if we have forgotten it or hid it. Is it ironic that the things we hold close to us (not giving it to the Lord) are usually the things that hinder us or harm us the most.

I pray that each of us "trust' God's Grace and forgiveness enough to allow Him to help us clean up the clutter. I can attest to the fact that it is a hard chore; but rewarding when it is done.

Sunday, June 1, 2008


For some time now I have wanted a GPS of my very own. Not that I ever get lost or anything; but sometimes I think I would enjoy the sound of someone reminding me that I am on the right path or a "friendly" voice "gently" telling me that I have abandoned my desired route. Well, nevertheless, I am not blessed with such a gadget. Or am I?

Our service today had Pastor Jay sharing about how easy the Christian Life is as long as we learn to "be obedient" to the nudging of the Holy Spirit. Then all of the sudden my A.D.D. kicked in and I began thinking about how our (Christian Life) is a journey. The song from Cars will not leave my head-"Life is a highway..." and I begin thinking about how bad I want a GPS. Then it hits me. God blessed us with what He referred to as "the helper" and what I now recognize as a GPS (Godly Positioned Spirit). The GPS is CONSTANTLY advising us of where we should be going. But, for whatever reason we do not obey. Either the kids are screaming, the radio is too loud, the car in front is going too slow or whatever else that may distract us. It hits me again as to why I probably do not already have a GPS (Electronic) is that I am so consumed with everything around me that I would not listen to what the GPS is telling me.

So be encouraged today to know that God has provided you with a GPS for your journey. Be careful. You must pay close attention to it or else it is not effective.

PS-Tell my wife this makes a great gift idea. The electronic one not the Holy One I am already using it.
Life is a highway and I want to ride it all night long...

Why Blog?

Well first things first...I have blogged a little bit here and there on my own. But now my super creative spouse has started the Blog revolution in the Griffin household. So not to be outdone I decided I too would create a site to let the world see my views, aticdotes, philosphy on life and overall perceptions that I have kept silent for too long. SO I have combined my blogs from other sites and created a few new ones for the world to see. But none of this would not have happened if I had not been WOWED by my wife's page and dedication to writing the memoirs of our lives. Besides now that I know she is blogging everything I better be careful what I say--"it can be used against me..." Check out her page and let her know she rocks...I love you Baby.

Friday, May 30, 2008

I Have Nothing To Wear

How important is our clothing? Does it really define who we are? Surprisingly I answered, "YES" to this question. I have thought about how the clothing we wear makes such an impact on how we are perceived.

One night I was working an undercover detail (yes I am a Cop) and I was dressed-not like a cop. I was wearing jeans, an old t-shirt and a ball cap (backwards). I had my gun tucked in a holster behind my back (out of view) and my badge dangling from a large beaded chain around my neck. We had heard a "hot" call come across the radio and we were right there almost immediately on scene to see the perpetrators exiting their vehicle on the way into their hotel room. Immediately we jump out of our SUV and with guns drawn order everyone to the ground. Normally, I would be in a uniform or be recognized by some type of Official clothing and I was no often called upon to be in "undercover" attire. So in total fear the 3 assailants dove to the ground. AS I began patting down the suspects I heard one of them, literally begging not to be robbed! "What"? Then it dawned on me that I was not dressed "properly". My clothes did not match "who I was"…Finally; I pulled my badge out from under my shirt to make it visible to everyone. I have never seen 3 criminals so happy to see the cops in all my life.

For Example: Superman-his clothing distinguishes who he is. Referees-if not for their clothing it would confuse the game. Everyone would pass the ball to the ref because they are always open. Wal-Mart Greeters-their clothing helps us identify their job and responsibility. Without their identifying clothing we would just think the person at the door of Wal-Mart was some weirdo talking and greeting everyone as they entered the store.

As a Law Enforcement Officer, I constantly JUDGE people by what they wear. Our "covering" says a lot about who we are. For believers, our spiritual covering is Jesus Christ; His shed blood "covers" our sins. Most of us are particular about the clothes we wear, but is Jesus the "covering" that people see when they look at you?

In Matthew 22 Jesus told a parable of a king who prepared a Wedding Banquet for his son. No one in the land wanted to come to this Banquet and when the few do show up, they show up improperly dressed. Wedding attendance was a Social Obligation during those times, especially if the party was royalty-if invited you MUST go…No questions asked! V. 3 tells us that the people REFUSED to come. There is no logical reason why the people refused to come-just like there is no logical reason why people refuse the good things God invites us to.

Naturally, the king is upset with the fact that nobody has showed up to this Wedding Banquet. He sends his servants on into the land to tell everyone to come to the Banquet. Well, V.5 tells that these people continued on their way about their own business and that some of the people overtook his servants, mistreating them and eventually killing them.

Unfortunately, this is an accurate description of how people respond to the Gospel and God's invitation to them. "They paid no attention and went off". This upset the king even more and he his set on bringing judgment to the ones who murdered his servants.

Again the king sends out his messengers to invite people to the Banquet. He tells them to anyone and everyone, because the ones originally invited do not deserve to come. In V.9 the king instructs them to go to the street corners, the slums and wherever they could go to find people to come. He wanted the good and the bad it did not matter to him he just wanted the Banquet Hall full.
This sounds like another King we know doesn't it? It also resembles Jesus' call to all sinners right?

Finally, after 3 different invitations the king is ready to greet the guest. He finally enters into a full Banquet Hall and as he is greeting the guest he notices a man who is not dressed properly. The king politely asked him how he got into the Banquet "dressed like that"? As it turns out, the king has his servants throw the gentleman out of the Banquet. Is anyone besides me wondering why the king had this man thrown out of the Banquet Hall? What did he expect when he told his people to go and get anyone and everyone to come?

Get a load of this…Back then it was customary for the Wedding party to provide its attendees with proper Wedding attire. What a concept! How many of us, especially you ladies have gone out and spent lots of money for ensembles to wear once (twice if we were lucky) to a Wedding and then it remains cluttering our closet for eternity? So the king has provided outfits for everyone who is to be at the Banquet.

Now we see why the king was so focused on everyone's attire. The man chose not to wear what the king had provided. See his clothing set him apart or lack of "proper" clothing made him stand out. He was trying to tell the king by remaining in his own personal clothing that what he has is just fine. There is no need for anything else to make him suitable for the Banquet. He refused the "covering" offered by the king.

Lucky for us that God is in the clothing business. Isaia61:10 I will greatly rejoice in the Lord, my soul shall be joyful in my God; for He has clothed me with the garments of salvation. He has "covered" me with the robe of righteousness, as a bridegroom decks himself with ornaments, and as a bride adorns herself with jewels.
How many people do we know that are like this man at the banquet? The man knew the "dress code" when he accepted the Wedding Invitation; but decided that what he had was "good enough", he thought he could clothe himself. Haven't we all tried to make ourselves righteous before God in our own way? Romans 10:3 For they being ignorant of God's righteousness, have not submitted to the righteousness of God.
Take a look at what was in store for the man as he was removed from the Wedding Banquet. He was bound by his feet and hands and tossed out into outer darkness. If that is not enough, the "outer darkness" is described as a place of weeping and gnashing of teeth.
V.14 gives a chilling statement. It basically says, everyone has been given an invitation to the Banquet, everyone was offered everything they would need to attend this Banquet-but so few have chosen to attend.

See, this man who rejected the offer of the king was assigned a horrible fate. .
To sum it up, there were those that the king invited that were "indifferent" and then there were those who were "antagonistic". Nevertheless, they both shared the same fate. Neither one made it to the Banquet. Whether people choose to ignore God and His invitation or they are openly antagonistic towards Him the end result remains the same.

The bad, dirty and ugly were invited to the Banquet; but they did not remain that way. They were made fit for the Banquet by the garments offered by the king.
Don't waste your invitation to the wedding because you have nothing to wear…Instead, try on the garment that the King has prepared for you-I promise it is just your size!