Friday, June 27, 2008

Worry, Small Talk and Sugar Cane

I do not consider myself a "worrier" and if I do on occassion decide to worry, I do not like for anyone else to know that I worry. I try to be a "rock" an "anchor" and worrying is not a good quality for either one of those personality types.

With gas prices increasing by the minute and our economy the worst I can ever remember I can say that I am a little "concerned" with everything. Florida passed a Property Tax deal that would lower property tax and in return the budgets of local emergency services and schools would be lowered, due to the cut in local property tax base. So for the first time in my career I have grown increasingly conscious of lay-offs, cutbacks and other budget disasters. There used to be an old saying that there were 2 jobs that would always be safe and that was teachers and Law Enforcement, well in our corner of the world they are both being laid off.

As if this news is not enough the 2nd largest employer of the county announced they were selling out to the State of Florida. US Sugar announced a plan to sell their land for the revitalization of the Everglades. 1700 jobs will now be done away with for the "restoration" of swampland. Within the city I am sure that US Sugar represents nearly 75-80% (generous estimate) of the city's tax base, as well as a large percentage of the county's tax base. Although it will be a slow transition (6 years) the thought of our community becoming a ghost town or a haven for violent crime and poverty is a little unnerving.

A day after this announcement I am at the gas pumps with Brice and he is "helping" me pump gas. Beside me is a big black SUV and a nice gentleman gets out and begins pumping his gas. After some time passes he peeks his head around and says it is a sad day when $100 cannot fill up your vehicle. Still "floored" about the US Sugar deal and the upcoming financial woes and doom to follow I chimed in with "yep, and it doesn't look like it will get any better with the closing of "Sugar" (big mistake)". I should have kept my mouth shut because I had just thrown my 2 cents at the CEO of one of "sugar's" citrus companies. Well, he still remains to be a nice man. He politely ask if I worked for Sugar and I replied, "no sir", expecting him at this time to tell me to mind my own business. Without a lot of detail he said that the community will be ok. The poeple of Sugar will be OK.

Let me pause to tell you something "spooky". While traveling to the Gas station with the Sugar deal heavy on my mind I thought (literally) what about the people who agreed to this deal? How will they be received by their employees? Do they worry about their safety? How have their lives been effected? Not 2 minutes after that I am face to face with Mr. CEO.

Mr. CEO had began telling me about "his" day and how he had to meet with employees all-day and share the news with them. He also told me of how his day was interupted by a funeral he had to attend of a 33 year old man (hey-that's my age group). Suddenly out of the sky a big pile of bricks fell on top of me. Mr. CEO must have seen it because he said the same thing I was thinking. "Work is work, our job should NOT be our life." Mr. CEO appeared to be saddened over the fact that his day was not yet complete. He had an 11pm appointment with the midnight shift at the plant to tell them yet again the news.

My heart went out to Mr. CEO. By this time I am holding Brice (so he doesn't get run over) and almost as if it is an object lesson, the man looks at Brice and says-"This is YOUR life" take care of him. As I worked to close my jaw dropped mouth I mustered up the words that EVERYTHING will be ok. We then "shared" that God is our provider, He's the Landlord, the Accountant, the CEO and Dad that we all need to make it through and "be OK".

The whole way home I was so upset for bringing up the Sugar thing. It really is NONE of my business. But I have come to believe that my big mouth may have been the Lord's way to minister to me and the CEO. The encounter with Mr. CEO was odd in the fact that I feel that both of us kind of ministered to ourselves as much as we did to the other.

The thing I want remind us (me included) is to be sensitive of opportunities to share, to smile and chit chat. You never know what may spring up from it. As a side bar also TRUST the Lord for He is in control.

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