Thursday, December 4, 2008

Team Spirit

I find it amusing how sports tend to bring out "the best" in people. Have you ever seen the fans at a game who paint their faces, their bodies and dress up in ridiculous costumes all in the name of team spirit? For what? To merely display their "Team Spirit". Don't get me wrong...I love to partake in the rousing of the opposition and the camaraderie of fellow fans united under the valance of "team sports". We all know someone who is "over the top" and "in your face" about their team and they will stop at nothing to show their team spirit and celebrate when their team is victorious.

We have all heard people make the comparison of showing ones excitement in worship vs. the enthusiasm one has at a game. I want to draw attention to the "devotion". Avid fans dawn their team memorabilia and they will proudly sit in the midst of the other teams fan, cheering just as loud (most of the time louder) and not think twice about it. While, on the other hand, some people do not want to be "labeled" as Christian, spiritual or religious. I am thankful that when God calls us He does not require ridiculous costumes, face paint and boisterous actions. He simply wants us to love Him (more than anything else), love everyone else and that sums it up.

Romans 1:16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth.

So my question is...."How much 'Team Spirit' do you have?" I am almost certain that more people know about your favorite team than they do your Saviour. The wonderful thing about THIS team is we win and we already know it....So Root! Root! Root! for YOUR home team...

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