Friday, August 8, 2008

A Call to Remember

We all know that things can happen and before you know your life can change in an instant. This is especially true as a Law Enforcement Officer. I was reminded of that very same thing today when I bumped into a lady whom I will never forget but barely know. It was around Christmas time in 2004. I was working in Road Patrol and assigned to the Midnight shift. I remember there wasn't much going on this night and it was rather slow. Finally, I hear dispatch call my radio ID number and I respond. Dispatch has a call for service to assist the Highway Patrol. I like the trooopers so I was ok with this "disruption" to my quiet night. I then discover that I am to do a death notification. These are horrible...Usually left up to a Supervisor, but as the story goes there are never any around when you need one. I gather myself and collect the information and arrive at the house. It is late, about 3am or so. I knock on the door and there you cannot imagine any louder sound than that of you knocking on a door at 3am. Eventually a small framed older woman answers the door. She has an accent (Islander like) and a soft sweet voice. I go through my "rehearsed" speech that I had gone over and over through my head while in the car and on my way to her residence. I had the duty of telling her that a loved one had just been killed in another county in an automobile accident. Dispatch had given the person's name and when I tell her and she has no response. Finally a smirk like expression comes across her face and she informs me that "that" particular person (husband) passed away almost 5 years ago. Now I don't know what to do....Did I wake the wrong family up? Is this lady crazy? I politely excuse myself from the home and apologize and tell the nice lady good night. In a rage of embarassment and sympathy I call dispatch and have them confirm the information. The Highway Patrol forgot to put JR. on the end and I now had to re-address the woman and inform her that her son was now dead. This time in a moment of shock the woman stands there. She looks outside for the son's vehicle and then she hugs me, says "Thank You" and I leave. It was solemnly silent. I had no clue what to say or do . I do remember praying for her and her family. I left thinking she doubted the information I had just given her. Whether it was denial or wishful thinking on her part, besides I had already given her the wrong information once. I remember it was a Sunday night/Monday morning and my week was over for a few days. During my days off all I could do is think about this woman and her situation. When I went back to work on Wednesday I almost immediately went to check on her. Again she hugged me and told me everything was ok. I have seen her a few times since the incident, each time I get a great big hug and she always says "Thank You". Well today I bumped into her and it was all the same. She always tells me about the other children and grand children. I walked awy from there almost "having a moment" right there in the grocery store. I walked away feeling my eyes swell up and my chin begin to quiver. WOW....This is one of the reasons why people become cops. I realized a while back that I was the only person who could have taken that call. Not that I am any better than anyone else, but God had planned it that way. My "bond" now with this little old lady is proof of that. At that moment today I have never ever been more proud to be a Law Enforcement Officer.
As a side note-I was in training all this week and we examined Officers and Officer Involved Shootings. We met real heroes who had to take someone else's life for the protection of others. I was moved by this because each hero had their own way of dealing with it and their own response. It was a reminder of how dangerous this job can be, how quickly your whole life can change (forever) and that each moment is a true gift from God. I have tried this week to hug Brice "just one more time" and to talk to Jennifer "just one more time" and enjoy and live life. I am thankful that I have a God who has protected me and has allowed me to do what I do.
One Day At A Time-Sweet Jesus...

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