Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy 4th of July

Happy 4th of July...I love this holiday!
It is all about loving your country and Celebrating your Freedom. Sure you have your parades, picnics and fireworks but it all goes along with the "CELEBRATION". The other thing about this holiday is it doesn't have outside influences distracting the TRUE meaning of the holiday. For example, Christmas has become all about the gift giving instead of celebrating the Birth of Jesus. The 4th of July is all about America. I love the country in which I live, I love everything about it and would not want to be anywhere else. I feel that the American flag is the greatest piece of fabric in existance, it is a great logo, emblem and distinguishing piece of art. So when you set aside a day to celebrate the things I love then this is it the 4th of July.
I am also amazed at the cost of such a celebration. With men and women everywhere leaving their families behind and the comforts of all they know to stand against everything that could take our freedom away. WOW! How do you say "Thanks". We recently learned of the deaths of 2 soldiers who lost their life serving as Soldiers in Iraq. Both soldiers with roots to such a small town. Everyone has been effected in some way or another. I know people when they hear of these things take the opportunity to speak out against war and our particular involvement in a war. Or they question the decisions of our leaders. The first thing that stands out to me is that without the men and women of our Armed Forces these poeple would not be allowed to publicly voice their opinion, or be able to mock and heckle the ruler of its nation without great fear of retaliation. We have all heard the phrases and mottos of one giving all fo the service and love of their country but the thing that moves me most is how these soldiers for a brief moment walk in a similar path as our Lord. Laying down one's life for the sake of another. That is why it is so precious to me.
John 15:12-14 (The Message)
11-15"I've told you these things for a purpose: that my joy might be your joy, and your joy wholly mature. This is my command: Love one another the way I loved you. This is the very best way to love. Put your life on the line for your friends. You are my friends when you do the things I command you.
Even the great men who signed our beloved Declaration of Independance were not with out their great sacrifices. Many of the signers were taken into custody as prisoners, as hostages, as objects of torment all in the name of Freedom. Their lives ruined, sacrificed and changed in the name of Freedom. Their families, their homes, their businesses, careers and dreams compromissed for the price of Freedom. I have heard it said that Freedom isn't FREE at all.
As this holiday is winding down I want you to think of how great you r country is. With gas prices going through the roof and an economy that is weak and shaky it is STILL the greatest plae to live. Thank God tonight for our forefathres who helped to trailblaze the road to freedom. The men who looked to the Lord for Guidance and Strength to change history with the scratching of a pen on an old parchment. For the men and women who fight for freedom. Finally, and for those who must carry on.
I would not feel right in sharing my thoughts on freedom and not mention the grace and freedom our Lord jesus Christ offers. It is way more than being Patriotic, and it is even more than being a Christian. It is about a man who laid down his life for YOU. What will you do with that?

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