Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The Sound of Rain

As I sit in my chair; my precious son is fast asleep, my dog Rufus is curled up beside me in his blanket and Corky, the other dog, is with Brice. My wife is hard at work in the home office and I just sitting back collecting thoughts. Even though it is the middle of the week it has been a tough week and very draining emotionally and spiritually. With so many uncertainties spinning around I search for something stable and secure to grab onto. I am blessed with a beautiful family and have seen many times the providence of God within our own life. But as I sit here I must admit that I feel small (not in a "Biggest Loser" way), I feel humbled and somewhat struck down. I have never really been one of those who "search for significance" but this past week I have just felt downtrodden.

Part of this I tend to "blame" on the Praise Band's new consecration. I have sacrificed things in my diet, personal life and physical life that have bogged me down. I have wrestled with a spiritual heaviness and it wasn't until tonight that I was able to shake free. As I sit in my chair I am able to "rest in the quietness" and as the rain comes down in sporadic increments I am reminded of a couple of things. The one thing is that I am a person of worth to the King of Kings. As the rain falls I am also reminded that every raindrop falls in the exact location God wanted it to fall in. There are no rebellious raindrops. I am reminded that when things seem to get so busy that God will bring us to a "quiet place" so He can talk to us and whisper to us that He loves us and is control.

I am thankful that I had this time with the Lord and do not regret putting off those things that needed to be done or so I thought needed to be done. Our God is a wonderful, patient Father who will really pull out all the stops to spend time with His Child.

Look around you...I think it is raining outside, enjoy!

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