Sunday, June 8, 2008

Happy Birthday

Jennifer has already blogged about Brice's Birthday but I too would like to share. As a parent you start out when the children are young with a list of attributes you would like your child to have and then there are the things you hope to teach or pass on to your child. Well I was pleased to see some of these things unfold today.

Brice awoke to find the house decorated in Scooby-Doo. We had built up this party for some time and he was anxious so it was a "Christmas Morning" type awakening this afternoon when Brice got up from his nap. He was soooo excited and as his friends started arriving he was telling them there is a BIG surprise and was telling them all "let me cho you sumtin!!!" Even though the party was for Brice he was so fixed on sharing this experience with everyone. I was pleased to see him share and take turns, thanking people for the gifts they brought and really being a sweet host. I was proud.

The highlight was his new Fire Truck. We got him a ride along Fire Truck and it is so cool. Brice is really into Fire Trucks and Fire Fighters right now and I too think they are "generally" super people. Well today some of our own "Hometown Heroes" brought the Fire aTruck to the house for te kids to see and experience. This was really great.

I cannot help but think during times like this what would Brice's life been like without us and what would are lives be without him. I think alot about his birth Mother and what she must go through every year around this time. To coin an old Garth Brooks' song "I guess the Lord knows what He is doing after all..."

My baby boy is growing up and I am so pleased with the gentleman he is becoming. Whenever you see a Firefighter or Police Officer remember it is little things like today that shape and mold a child's heart, dream and ambition. Thank You guys you are 10-8!

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