Sunday, June 1, 2008


For some time now I have wanted a GPS of my very own. Not that I ever get lost or anything; but sometimes I think I would enjoy the sound of someone reminding me that I am on the right path or a "friendly" voice "gently" telling me that I have abandoned my desired route. Well, nevertheless, I am not blessed with such a gadget. Or am I?

Our service today had Pastor Jay sharing about how easy the Christian Life is as long as we learn to "be obedient" to the nudging of the Holy Spirit. Then all of the sudden my A.D.D. kicked in and I began thinking about how our (Christian Life) is a journey. The song from Cars will not leave my head-"Life is a highway..." and I begin thinking about how bad I want a GPS. Then it hits me. God blessed us with what He referred to as "the helper" and what I now recognize as a GPS (Godly Positioned Spirit). The GPS is CONSTANTLY advising us of where we should be going. But, for whatever reason we do not obey. Either the kids are screaming, the radio is too loud, the car in front is going too slow or whatever else that may distract us. It hits me again as to why I probably do not already have a GPS (Electronic) is that I am so consumed with everything around me that I would not listen to what the GPS is telling me.

So be encouraged today to know that God has provided you with a GPS for your journey. Be careful. You must pay close attention to it or else it is not effective.

PS-Tell my wife this makes a great gift idea. The electronic one not the Holy One I am already using it.
Life is a highway and I want to ride it all night long...

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