Friday, August 29, 2008

Misinterpreted Reality

There are 2 specific incidents that have happened to me as a Father that has forced me to be under the viscous eye of judgmental scrutiny. The latest of which came just the other night.

The first incident was when I was walking Brice out to the car to go to daycare and he decided to boycott the situation and he began to kick, scream and begin his tireless rant and vertical tantrum. In the process I remained extremely calm with the hand of my child still within my grasp. This display of delinquency ended with a trip to the EMS station and the Emergency Room.

Brice had let out a scream that was different from that of the other one that was involved in the rant and began clutching his elbow. After the normal tantrum time limit had elapsed I became concerned when he could not be consoled. I made a trip to the local EMS station to see (for free) some of the men and women whom I have served with while with the Sheriff's Office. As they began to check him out I was asked, "How did this happen?" and I began to explain and I quickly noticed the glares and looks of "disbelief". I know these looks well because I have dished out quite a few within my day. I was then informed to take him to the Emergency Room. There is no lower feeling to know that your child is injured and hurt and that it is all your fault. So we make the trip to the Hospital and run through the same process as before. The Medical staff began their check and then I was asked, "How did this happen?" Again under the judgmental glare of the medical staff I explained how I was holding Brice's hand and he went to "flop" onto the floor and I held his arm up to keep him off the floor.

After a brief consultation from the Doctor I was informed that this is the "most common" injury brought into the Emergency Room among small children. I was relieved to find out that it was "NOT MY FAULT".

Well onto the other incident. I have 2 dogs in our house. Both are spoiled an complete wusses when it comes to being tough and rugged. A few nights ago we were preparing to eat dinner and Brice was talking with food in his hand and as I was scurrying around to get things put into place Brice begins crying horribly. I could tell that Rufus the Dachshund had bitten him while attempting to steal his chicken. This is an issue that happens with some frequency so I reacted toward Rufus and hit him as a form of discipline. In doing so Rufus lets out a loud yelp and goes to hide. A whole day and a half had passed and he was still hiding and not able to move around very good. SO off to the Vet for a visit. Again under the judgmental stares of the Vet staff i must explain why my dog is lame. Needless to say they did not like hearing how my dog was now because I "wailed" on it. Finally after some affectionate petting and consoling Rufus is on the mend and life is being restored.

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