Tuesday, October 21, 2008

I approved this message...

My fellow Americans! We know these men and woman as much as we know our own family. We listen, we judge, we agree, we oppose and we BELIEVE...As the last push for battleground states continue I wonder how much more "Change" can we endure? The hot topic going down the final stretch is the "Financial Crisis". Well here is my answer..."Quit Spending!"
In 2oo8, the Democratic National Convention was held in Denver, CO. The cost for this one event has exceeded $53.86 million. Mr. Obama has spent, in his own campaign, over $500 million with an additional $600 million on hand. Now here's a thought. As our country faces economic woes and we listen to the ramblings of Presidential hopefuls I am appalled at the amount of spending one does when trying to "solve" our financial crisis. To me this type of spending does not cry out "CHANGE".

I would like to see our Government institute a program that would tax the politicians. Create a "buy in" that would cause candidates to give a certain (high) amount of money back to the general public. In addition, I would like to see a large percentage of political donations be taxed and given back to the general public. Instead of political rhetoric and polished campaign speeches written by a staff of unknown people, we should examine how much these candidates can improve the economy during their campaign. We wouldn't send a Quarterback into the game without seeing how they play. Even Baskin Robbins will give you a free sample of ice cream before you are forced to buy.

As this Political season nears the homestretch we should all consider what is really at stake. I believe the President is just a mouthpiece for many members. With today's special interest groups and political power plays the Commander in Chief is not necessarily in the driver's seat. I pray that each one will vote for the person that they independently feel will be "submissive" (you never see that word used with a politician) to the guiding of God's hand.

Remember to vote and after Nov. 4 Democrats, Republicans, Liberals, Moderates and Independents can all go back to being friends again. God Bless America. I am Billy Griffin and I approved this message.

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