Thursday, December 4, 2008

The Shaping of the Arrow

Not too long ago I read a book by Israel Houghton called "A Deeper Level" and in it he gave an analogy that peeked my interest. This "thought" has rattled around in my head for awhile and here is what I have come up with...

An arrow is defined by a few key components. The arrowhead (point), the shaft, the fletching (feathers) and the nock (the slotted end). Obviously, all of these components are vital to the success of the arrow. I used the word "obviously" as if this fact was undisputed and blatant. If you only work on the arrowhead (point), when released from the bow you will definetly hit "something"... But if the shaft is NOT straight, you will not be able to hit your "intended" target. The smoother and straighter the shaft the better the arrow. A crooked arrow is worthless to the Archer regardless of the sharpness of the arrowhead. The "purpose" of the arrow is to fly TRUE. True=as intended or designed to do.

Isaiah 49:2 He (God) made my mouth like a sharp sword; in the shadow of His hand He hid me; He made me a polished arrow; in His quiver He hid me away.

To appreciate this arrow-making process one must understand and appreciate the maticulous, tidious details that go into it. In Biblical times the arrows were made from branches from the Acacia tree. This tree was usually identified by the "knotty" characteristics of his limbs and the hardness of the wood. The archer would select the branch and begin to cut away the "knots" and smoothing the surface. Eventually, the branch had become smooth as a result of the countless time and effort put into making it smooth. Boiling hot water would then be applied to the branch where it would harden the wood even more as it would be dried by the sun.

Modern times do not really speed this process up any more. Although, varying materials are now used it is still a diligent and daunting task to make the arrow as aerodynamically fit as possible.

What I have taken from this is the fact that when God gets us we too are full of "knots" and rough spots. We must be sanded, shaven and shaped until we are "true". This is not easy on the arrow-but it is necessary! In our quest to become "true" we must endure some heat, but it will be used to strengthen us.

We must have the desire to be the chosen arrow. When called upon by God we will not have to prepare or procrastinate we just have to "be". As the Archer places us in the bow and prepares for the release that will send us into flight we can rest assured that our flight will be true and effective.




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