Sunday, June 15, 2008

Father's Day: Day of Reflection

Well today is Father's Day. I take joy in telling people it is my 4th Father's Day when Brice is only 3. Brice's first trip "out" was on Father's Day 2005 when he was just a few days old and we went to church. I remember being so proud. That feeling really hasn't changed at all. I can remember being so "scared" of Brice. He was so little and small and I felt like a giant and was so scared that I would break him. I was concerned with every grunt, cry and moan and always worried myself with what do I do now?
I learned, maybe too late or right on time, that kids are tougher than we know and that we put all the pressure on ourselves. I have done some really cool things as a Dad and I have messed up here and there too. Through it all both Brice and I have survived (so far). Every day I am challenged in a new way from Brice. I am constantly amazed at how fast he has grown, how much smarter he is than I give him credit for and the countless number of cute little ways he tries to get my attention. "The greatest gift I ever had came from God-and he calls me Dad!" by an unknown author.
Today is a celebration of "family". I believe that in today's household, Mom's and Dad's have become a "blended" role that we call a "Parent". I could not do this without Jennifer and I am thankful for both her and Brice. Brice is entering into a stage where he is alot of fun to "hang out" with. He is very independant and entertaining. I love the times we have together. Whether it be singing songs together on our way to Day Care, watching silly movies on TV or making fun of Mommy we have a good time. I can see the little things he does that I know he has picked up from me and some of it is cute; while some of it is scary....
Although I was treated to a barrage of gifts with Father's Day, Birthday and Anniversary all very close together I truly enjoyed spending the time with my family the most today. Daddy got to try his hand at making "homemade ice cream" and did get to have a relaxing nap (uninterupted, in the dark, in my own bed and without time restraints).
As I have spent most of the day reminescing about being a father, being a son I must admit I have had a day full of love and great memories. Today in church the children had a presentation where they sang "Jesus Loves Me" and then sang a 2nd verse that said, "Jesus loves YOU" and as they did they each went and grabbed their Dads by the hand and brought them forward. The thing that got me the most was how there were men there who probably realize that they have not been the best of Dads, some who did not get to experience a Dad and some who grew up with a great Dad and every scenario in between. I was reminded of our Heavenly Father who was "THE" father who was to be honored on Father's Day. He loves us and regardless of what kind of Dad we are or what kind of Dad we had He still loves us, cvares for us and calls us HIS own. He is as proud of us as I am of Brice (if not more).
Finally I look back and see alot of my Dad in me as I am starting to see so much of me in Brice and I am reminded of this quote..." He didn't tell me how to live; he lived, and let me watch him do it. ~Clarence Budington Kelland" I hope that I too can live by this pinciple as my Dad did. I have desired to be a Dad for a long time and have suffered, struggled and prayed until it happened. I think the greatest desire to be a father comes from the goal of being a great Dad like the one I have. I love you Dad.
To Brice I want to say "Thanks Dude!" for being the reason I celebrate Father's Day. You are a blessing far greater than you will ever be able to understand. I enjoy you and look forward to so much more. You make me happy. I want to watch you grow and become your own person and if you ever need any help always remember I am by your side. I love you BRICEY!

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