Friday, August 29, 2008


I absolutely love modern technology. For some who has a constant need for human interaction I am easily "sucked in" by many of the onine social communities. Currently I find myself "drawn" to . It is online computer crack. It is addictive, time consuming and of they ever started charging for it I would be broke, selling my kids belongings for a simple log-in. I didn't always like it. I was a steady MySpacer and found Facebook difficult. Well lets just say that MySpace was my gateway drug. Now I am a full blown FB addict. It is a great way to connect and re-connect with not these friends but real ones. With each new addition to my list of friends I am overwhelmed by memories of good times and life lived. Friends are a unique creature. Friendships never seem to miss a beat regardless of how much time passes by they always seem to pick up right where they left off. That is pretty special. I have found old friends (in age and length of friendship), recent friends, friends who live far far away (but not with Shrek), friends who have changed drastically, some who have not changed at all and even some that I never really liked. But once you get into the grown up world all those petty things seem to wash away. Some of these relationships are awkard in the fact that when we ran in certain circles they were just people we knew and now that we all live in various parts of the world the simple fact of us rmembering each other fits the criteria for a new found friendship.

So reach out and reconnect. Be kind to everyone always because you never know you may just have to send them a Friend Request someday.

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