Sunday, August 31, 2008

My Fellow Americans

There is no place that you can go and NOT here talk about "politics" and the upcoming election. For some it is joyous time when every calculated move is analyzed and reviewed. For others they would be OK if they never heard another political banter for the rest of their life. Me-well I am somewhere in the middle. I love the strategies and "polished" approaches to dealing human life.

It is really pretty easy if you think of politics from a non-political approach. What red blooded American would not vote for someone who chose to spend their campaign budget on boosting the economy, who selected people at random to assist using their resources, or decided to balance the American budget in a Godly way based on Biblical principles? If there were as much action as their was talk, if the candidate could speak their "own" mind instead of that of trained, paid speech writers. If instead of talking about change they rolled up their sleeves to "help"?

For example, just consider the cost of the 2008 DNC (Democratic National Convention). Multiple locations, gargantuan stages and the countless other bells and whistles. Take the price tag of that single event and consider the impact it would make if you put it into a program to help the elderly, single parent low income families, medical bills? The upcoming Republican Convention will be no different. Is all the hype necessary? What about a single video taped speech from the front porch of a modest home using a home video camera? No high priced production, no elaborate settings just the candidate and the facts.

Does the President of the Untied States really have any power? Each one is held captive by their own agendas and Party obligations that we merely are electing a National Spokesperson instead of a ruler of the free world. With that we lose the ability to blame any one President for the current state of affairs at any given time.

As the time of election draws near please consider the choice that will honor God. The only way a President can be the "Instrument of Change" is to totally surrender their life and POWER to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. Unless this happens they will merely be a mouthpiece of the party.

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