Sunday, July 20, 2008

A Special Moment

Monday Night the All-Star Home Run Derby was special to me for a couple of reasons. It turned into a great Daddy and Brice moment when he "allowed" me to watch the game with him on the big TV and opting out of his normal routine of Scooby Doo or some other bedtime show. He watched intently as we discussed moving your hands through "the zone", rotating your body and driving with your legs. I am sure we will have to review at a later date but it was great to have "this" with Brice. We observed what I thought was going to be a mediocre Derby because there were no SUPERSTARS. No big names and not even anyone with any killer stats. From the beginning I chose Josh Hamilton. He plays for the Rangers (my second favorite AL team) and he has cool tattoos. I found out later he was also from North Carolina and I thought it was cool that he was allowing his former coach pitch and experience the All-Star event as a show of appreciation. By this time I am thinking I picked a pretty good guy. As the night continued I became engulfed in this man's story. He had survived a hard battle with drug addiction, had been kicked out of baseball, lost his family and his dream. I began thinking there is only one way all of these things can take place and then see him in the All-Star classic. Josh Hamilton has had a lifechanging encounter with God. As Josh was being interviewed he continued to give thanks to an Awesome God. He described his comeback as a "God Thing". I was so impressed.

Hamilton went on to hit 28 First round Homers. A new record. He put on a clinic. Players, fans and Immortals were awe struck at this man's performance. After the First round it was a moving sight to see ALL the players come and pat him on the back and cheer him on. For a moment men set aside competition and enjoyed life. It was great to see. Players who were on the field with their kids kept sending them up during the at-bats to get autographs, high fives and deliver gatorade to Josh. Everyone wanted to be a part of this story.

His story is that after several (6) trips in and out of Rehab, many nights of wanting and trying to kill himself he hit rock bottom. Out of desperation and with nowhere else to go. A noticeably weak and frail man knocks on the door of his grandmother in the early morning hours. With the love of a grandmother she tells him he needs to get his life straight. She tells him the only way this can happen is if he surrenders to God. By the wonderful grace of a loving God, the prayers of a faithful Grandma and a dream that won't die Josh found himself on the road to recovery.

At the end of the night Brice and I had a great time with the game I love, I found a new hero and Josh Hamilton finished 2nd in a wonderful night of baseball competition.

I was disappointed to see that he did not win; but ultimately I know he has already won. Thank You Josh Hamilton for restoring the joy of watching baseball and for giving my son someone of character to look up to and admire. PLAY BALL!

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