Sunday, June 1, 2008

Why Blog?

Well first things first...I have blogged a little bit here and there on my own. But now my super creative spouse has started the Blog revolution in the Griffin household. So not to be outdone I decided I too would create a site to let the world see my views, aticdotes, philosphy on life and overall perceptions that I have kept silent for too long. SO I have combined my blogs from other sites and created a few new ones for the world to see. But none of this would not have happened if I had not been WOWED by my wife's page and dedication to writing the memoirs of our lives. Besides now that I know she is blogging everything I better be careful what I say--"it can be used against me..." Check out her page and let her know she rocks...I love you Baby.


Mamascraps said...

Awwww! Thanks, babe. I love you 2 and your page is lookin' good :)

giselle said...

weren't you supposed to be listening to pastor jay? instead you were thinking about a GPS? shame on you!!!! the Lord knows what you were doing, he's gonna get you!!!!