Friday, June 27, 2008


Let me tell you about my wife...We will celebrate 11 years of Marriage this Saturday 6/28. After dating for nearly 5 years we have been together for a while. It hasn't always been easy...
I had to "trick" her into going out with me. I told her I was planning her a birthday party. She was the only one I invited. She and I had a class together in college (8am-not a great choice of times for me) and I sat at the back of her row-she sat in the front (she didn't know any better) and I had to pass by her desk to get to mine. I would "purposely" arrive after her and then as she is seated i would knock on her desk and eventually would get the nerve to leave candy on her desk. I finally got the nerve to call her one day. I had written out a list of topics to discuss in order to avoid any awkard silent moments. I get my list and finally call and as I am telling her who I am it is not ringing a bell with her. I started out with first name, then last name, then I finally told her we had a class together, named the class, the professor and then she says, "ok-now I know who you are". Well she remembered the guy who sat next to her (who was not me) and I had no plan B so the phone conversation ended.

One night after a Campus meeting where she and her roommate had sang together I had yet another idea. I recruited the help of one of my buddies and we approached the girls with an offer. It went a little something like this...."Hey we are starting a singing group and we were wondering if you wanted to be a part of it?" Well, they accepted and we had a few rehearsals, I was surprised at how many rehearsals we had because I had yet to sing the 1st note. However, the friendship had been formed.

After that first date we have had some ups and downs but I have no regrets for all the hard work and trickery it took to get her to go out with me. We survived long distances, astronomical phone bills, angry parents (phone bills) and countless misunderstandings.

To this day I still believe one of my scariest moments in life was calling her parents to "meet with them". I drove down to her parents and showed them the ring and asked if for their blessing in asking Jennifer to marry me. I really thought it would be a yes or no type situation. I had prepared for both. After what appeared to be days of silence her Dad asks a question. I was not prepared for questions....He asked me "What do I feel the Lord has called Jennifer and I to? I remember "squeaking" out an answer and feeling relieved thinking that answer would suffice. Well, then there was another question. It further questioned my previous answer. Finally, I survived or they had mercy and quit asking questions.

After our engagement we of course got married. Several moments stand out for me...I remember playing golf that morning. Brent and I rode together and everyone was in such a rush. Well most of you know how I am about rushing (I don't do it). I arrived at the church and immediately was bombarded with people all dressed up wondering why I wasn't dressed? I had gotten there wearing flips flops, a baseball cap and shorts with a tshirt. Aunt Brenda had fixed me a plate of food so I sat down to eat while everyone scurried around me. I remembered by shuffled from one hiding place to the next because jennifer and her entourage could not decide where to go. I remember seeing her as the doors of the church opened and how beautiful she was and thinking to myself-"don't cry dont cry-happy thoughts don't dry". It didn't work and then as we said our vows it felt like I swore off everything. The vows seemed like they lasted 10 days. As we drove off we arrived and Jennifer's house (parents) and a kid was in the driveway asking about the truck that was for sale. Both of us a blubbering mess he said he would come back later, he must have thought we were emotionally tied to the truck or something. After a ride to the mountains we arrive at our honeymoon destination. The next morning (our 1st morning as husband and wife) I wake up to a sobbing bride. Sobbing doesn't really fit but I cannot find a word that is worse than sobbing. What did I do? How do I make her stop? I'm hungry should I go to breakfst without her and bring her something back? She eventually called home and that seemed to make it better.

We have survived cross country moves, small apartments, evil landlords, sad good byes, great opportunities, new adventures, desperate times and times of loss. Through it all God has been faithful. We have learned to serve the Lord together, only after learning to serve Him alone.

Jennifer is the greatest thing. She is funny, tough, resourceful, creative, loving and my best friend.

Happy Anniversary...Being with you is what makes it HAPPY>

1 comment:

Patricia said...

Happy Anniversary!