Friday, December 12, 2008

First Love

Ahhhhhh! Your first love. Everyone has either had one, has one or will have one. They are generally monumental and typically remain somewhere in your mind for a long time (if not forever). Can you remember the "crazy things" you did for the first love? Many of us go back to our Elementary School days with thoughts of boy chasing girl, pulling girls hair, girl clobbering boy, girl and friends giggling about boy getting clobbered and boy thinking girl is beautiful.

Regardless of how many times the boy got clobbered he still would always go back for more. He loved the attention, the interaction and "the moment". Faced with awkwardness, shyness and a warped since of feelings the boy would continue to vie for the affection of his girl. For example, Darla and Alfalfa, how many times did Alfalfa "pursue" Darla only to have her skip away with Waldo. Countless times Alfalfa would croon to his girl in hopes of winning her affection, only to have her put him down.

For whatever reason your First love is important because it is your "first". Essentially you enter into this "love" with no preconceived notions, ideas, concepts or baggage. So it is automatically "fresh". This can only happen once. It requires a lot of "faith" as well.

I have a wonderful wife and like any couple we have had some good times and some times that were not as good. We met in college and I can remember the different antics I used to try and get her to notice me. Then once she noticed me I can remember how nervous I would be about seeing her and talking to her. Then as we began to spend time with each other we began to know each other better and we began feeling more and more comfortable with one another. This is probably similar to many other relationships.

In the beginning of relationships and "pre-relationship" both parties will work extremely hard to keep the interest up and to impress the other person. During this time we dress nicer, act differently and in some ways become a different person altogether. We write love letters, talk all the time and when we are with that person the world just seems to be perfect.

What tends to happen is we become so comfortable with the other person and how they feel about us we easily become lazy and self-centered. We do not go out of our way for the other person as much anymore, time constraints, obligations, other interests, responsibilities and apathy tend to rob us of our "First Love".

Revelation 2:3-5 You have endured and gone through hard times because of me, and you have not given up. But I do have something against you! And it is this: You don't have as much love as you used to. Think about where you have fallen from, and then turn back and do as you did at first. If you don't turn back, I will come and take away your lampstand.

The people of Ephesus were in this same kind of relationship. Their relationship was with God. In the beginning, when they first noticed Him, they went out of their way to please Him. They could NOT spend enough time with Him, always wanting to be with Him more and more. They talked with Him for hours upon hours and anything He asked them to do they would do their best to complete it to His satisfaction.

Then as they became "comfortable" with Him being around they didn't feel the need to do as much. "We are together now..." So they began to do less and less and the time they spent together became shorter and shorter.

I am sad to say that I too have fallen into these type of pitfalls. Both spiritually with my Heavenly Father and literally with my wife. In the book of Revelation, the writer, encourages the people of Ephesus to RETURN to their first love. So we are not alone in losing sight along the way or becoming distracted; but they were also advised of the potential danger of not returning to their first love.

The people of Ephesus had done a lot of things right, in fact all of them but ONE. They did not love God as much as they used to. Regardless of what you have done or are doing if you do not continue to love like you used to then you are not the only one missing out. Whatever distractions have come between you and your first love git rid of them and ENJOY your first love!

Return to your first love...

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Team Spirit

I find it amusing how sports tend to bring out "the best" in people. Have you ever seen the fans at a game who paint their faces, their bodies and dress up in ridiculous costumes all in the name of team spirit? For what? To merely display their "Team Spirit". Don't get me wrong...I love to partake in the rousing of the opposition and the camaraderie of fellow fans united under the valance of "team sports". We all know someone who is "over the top" and "in your face" about their team and they will stop at nothing to show their team spirit and celebrate when their team is victorious.

We have all heard people make the comparison of showing ones excitement in worship vs. the enthusiasm one has at a game. I want to draw attention to the "devotion". Avid fans dawn their team memorabilia and they will proudly sit in the midst of the other teams fan, cheering just as loud (most of the time louder) and not think twice about it. While, on the other hand, some people do not want to be "labeled" as Christian, spiritual or religious. I am thankful that when God calls us He does not require ridiculous costumes, face paint and boisterous actions. He simply wants us to love Him (more than anything else), love everyone else and that sums it up.

Romans 1:16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth.

So my question is...."How much 'Team Spirit' do you have?" I am almost certain that more people know about your favorite team than they do your Saviour. The wonderful thing about THIS team is we win and we already know it....So Root! Root! Root! for YOUR home team...

Going Deep!

Recently I was challenged in my Christian walk to "Go Deeper". Immediately an image of water, scuba diving and swimming pools came to my mind.

What does it mean to "go deeper"? I am not sure what this meant; but I was certain there was only 2 ways to do it. Much like going into the deep end of a pool.

Have you ever gotten into the pool when the water is cold? You "sneak" into the shallow end and waddle, squirm and prance around waiting for your body to adjust to the cool feel of the water. It takes you forever to finally get to the "deep end". This would indicate that our surroundings and "comfort levels" are what controls our pursuit of God.

The only other way I can think of would be to get it all over with quickly. Jump into the deep end and there is no time of adjustment needed and the hard part is over. There has to be a since of "trust" when it comes to "jumping in". What is out there? How deep is deep? What if I can't keep my head above water? What will happen?

Much like the deep end of the pool God is calling us to a "deeper" relationship with Him. My deep end may not be as deep as yours or your deep end may resemble the kiddie pool. Either way the important thing is to "GO" deeper. This would mean you are changing, pursuing, being obedient and living.
Ezekiel 47:8-9 And He said to me, "This water flows toward the eastern region and goes down into Arabah, and enters the sea, when the water flows into the sea, the water will become fresh. And wherever the the river goes, every living creature that swarms will live, and there will be many fish. For this water goes there, that the waters of the sea may become fresh; so everything will live where the river goes."

Did you see what happened? The water was dirty, contaminated and nothing could live in it. Then it began to "flow" into the sea. By "going deeper" the rotten-ness became clean, fresh, desirable and life giving.

So why not "GO DEEP"? Are you in the need of some refreshing?

Come on in the water is fine!

The Shaping of the Arrow

Not too long ago I read a book by Israel Houghton called "A Deeper Level" and in it he gave an analogy that peeked my interest. This "thought" has rattled around in my head for awhile and here is what I have come up with...

An arrow is defined by a few key components. The arrowhead (point), the shaft, the fletching (feathers) and the nock (the slotted end). Obviously, all of these components are vital to the success of the arrow. I used the word "obviously" as if this fact was undisputed and blatant. If you only work on the arrowhead (point), when released from the bow you will definetly hit "something"... But if the shaft is NOT straight, you will not be able to hit your "intended" target. The smoother and straighter the shaft the better the arrow. A crooked arrow is worthless to the Archer regardless of the sharpness of the arrowhead. The "purpose" of the arrow is to fly TRUE. True=as intended or designed to do.

Isaiah 49:2 He (God) made my mouth like a sharp sword; in the shadow of His hand He hid me; He made me a polished arrow; in His quiver He hid me away.

To appreciate this arrow-making process one must understand and appreciate the maticulous, tidious details that go into it. In Biblical times the arrows were made from branches from the Acacia tree. This tree was usually identified by the "knotty" characteristics of his limbs and the hardness of the wood. The archer would select the branch and begin to cut away the "knots" and smoothing the surface. Eventually, the branch had become smooth as a result of the countless time and effort put into making it smooth. Boiling hot water would then be applied to the branch where it would harden the wood even more as it would be dried by the sun.

Modern times do not really speed this process up any more. Although, varying materials are now used it is still a diligent and daunting task to make the arrow as aerodynamically fit as possible.

What I have taken from this is the fact that when God gets us we too are full of "knots" and rough spots. We must be sanded, shaven and shaped until we are "true". This is not easy on the arrow-but it is necessary! In our quest to become "true" we must endure some heat, but it will be used to strengthen us.

We must have the desire to be the chosen arrow. When called upon by God we will not have to prepare or procrastinate we just have to "be". As the Archer places us in the bow and prepares for the release that will send us into flight we can rest assured that our flight will be true and effective.




Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Opening Doors?

Here I am a man who a week ago had everything going his way. Sure I had the occasional bump in the road; but for the most part everything was running smooth. There were things in my own life that I was praying about but they were not urgent. Just upcoming some day. Well all of that changed. Life turned on a dime and I hit a huge pothole. Well the things I was praying about just sort of answered themselves. Of course without any input or consultation on my behalf.

It has been said that when God closes one door he will always open another. That phrase has jumped off my own lips a time or two toward other people; but for my ears it has become to difficult to hear. I do not doubt that another door will some day open; but what about the time you spend trapped feeling claustrophobic. Are 2 doors ever opened at the same exact time? Well imagine the one door closing, in my case closing very fast. Now, imagine another door slowly opening, but not immediately after the other one closes. See now you have that moment that may in fact be brief; but feels like eternity where all the doors are closed and the room seems to be closing in on you. For that moment words of encouragement can't seem to find their way in and optimism just don't cut it.

Well I now write this on the backside of the "unopened" door and can truly say that God is faithful and His timing is perfect. I have learned that "emergencies and urgency's" seem to occur when my needs are not met and when things to follow my schedule or own planning. So during my closed door moments I began to realize how selfish and demanding I had become toward God. Basically, exposing that I had not relinquished "full control" to God.

Then I begin thinking about how patient and loving my heavenly father is. Much more than I, because the minute things didn't go my way I was ready to give up, throw in the towel and look for the emergency exits. Not Him, see God allows us to learn things on our own. The learning curve is often steep and He has this amazing thing called "Grace" to make sure we come through everything just fine "as He had already planned".

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

I approved this message...

My fellow Americans! We know these men and woman as much as we know our own family. We listen, we judge, we agree, we oppose and we BELIEVE...As the last push for battleground states continue I wonder how much more "Change" can we endure? The hot topic going down the final stretch is the "Financial Crisis". Well here is my answer..."Quit Spending!"
In 2oo8, the Democratic National Convention was held in Denver, CO. The cost for this one event has exceeded $53.86 million. Mr. Obama has spent, in his own campaign, over $500 million with an additional $600 million on hand. Now here's a thought. As our country faces economic woes and we listen to the ramblings of Presidential hopefuls I am appalled at the amount of spending one does when trying to "solve" our financial crisis. To me this type of spending does not cry out "CHANGE".

I would like to see our Government institute a program that would tax the politicians. Create a "buy in" that would cause candidates to give a certain (high) amount of money back to the general public. In addition, I would like to see a large percentage of political donations be taxed and given back to the general public. Instead of political rhetoric and polished campaign speeches written by a staff of unknown people, we should examine how much these candidates can improve the economy during their campaign. We wouldn't send a Quarterback into the game without seeing how they play. Even Baskin Robbins will give you a free sample of ice cream before you are forced to buy.

As this Political season nears the homestretch we should all consider what is really at stake. I believe the President is just a mouthpiece for many members. With today's special interest groups and political power plays the Commander in Chief is not necessarily in the driver's seat. I pray that each one will vote for the person that they independently feel will be "submissive" (you never see that word used with a politician) to the guiding of God's hand.

Remember to vote and after Nov. 4 Democrats, Republicans, Liberals, Moderates and Independents can all go back to being friends again. God Bless America. I am Billy Griffin and I approved this message.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The Sound of Rain

As I sit in my chair; my precious son is fast asleep, my dog Rufus is curled up beside me in his blanket and Corky, the other dog, is with Brice. My wife is hard at work in the home office and I just sitting back collecting thoughts. Even though it is the middle of the week it has been a tough week and very draining emotionally and spiritually. With so many uncertainties spinning around I search for something stable and secure to grab onto. I am blessed with a beautiful family and have seen many times the providence of God within our own life. But as I sit here I must admit that I feel small (not in a "Biggest Loser" way), I feel humbled and somewhat struck down. I have never really been one of those who "search for significance" but this past week I have just felt downtrodden.

Part of this I tend to "blame" on the Praise Band's new consecration. I have sacrificed things in my diet, personal life and physical life that have bogged me down. I have wrestled with a spiritual heaviness and it wasn't until tonight that I was able to shake free. As I sit in my chair I am able to "rest in the quietness" and as the rain comes down in sporadic increments I am reminded of a couple of things. The one thing is that I am a person of worth to the King of Kings. As the rain falls I am also reminded that every raindrop falls in the exact location God wanted it to fall in. There are no rebellious raindrops. I am reminded that when things seem to get so busy that God will bring us to a "quiet place" so He can talk to us and whisper to us that He loves us and is control.

I am thankful that I had this time with the Lord and do not regret putting off those things that needed to be done or so I thought needed to be done. Our God is a wonderful, patient Father who will really pull out all the stops to spend time with His Child.

Look around you...I think it is raining outside, enjoy!