Sunday, August 31, 2008

My Fellow Americans

There is no place that you can go and NOT here talk about "politics" and the upcoming election. For some it is joyous time when every calculated move is analyzed and reviewed. For others they would be OK if they never heard another political banter for the rest of their life. Me-well I am somewhere in the middle. I love the strategies and "polished" approaches to dealing human life.

It is really pretty easy if you think of politics from a non-political approach. What red blooded American would not vote for someone who chose to spend their campaign budget on boosting the economy, who selected people at random to assist using their resources, or decided to balance the American budget in a Godly way based on Biblical principles? If there were as much action as their was talk, if the candidate could speak their "own" mind instead of that of trained, paid speech writers. If instead of talking about change they rolled up their sleeves to "help"?

For example, just consider the cost of the 2008 DNC (Democratic National Convention). Multiple locations, gargantuan stages and the countless other bells and whistles. Take the price tag of that single event and consider the impact it would make if you put it into a program to help the elderly, single parent low income families, medical bills? The upcoming Republican Convention will be no different. Is all the hype necessary? What about a single video taped speech from the front porch of a modest home using a home video camera? No high priced production, no elaborate settings just the candidate and the facts.

Does the President of the Untied States really have any power? Each one is held captive by their own agendas and Party obligations that we merely are electing a National Spokesperson instead of a ruler of the free world. With that we lose the ability to blame any one President for the current state of affairs at any given time.

As the time of election draws near please consider the choice that will honor God. The only way a President can be the "Instrument of Change" is to totally surrender their life and POWER to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. Unless this happens they will merely be a mouthpiece of the party.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Misinterpreted Reality

There are 2 specific incidents that have happened to me as a Father that has forced me to be under the viscous eye of judgmental scrutiny. The latest of which came just the other night.

The first incident was when I was walking Brice out to the car to go to daycare and he decided to boycott the situation and he began to kick, scream and begin his tireless rant and vertical tantrum. In the process I remained extremely calm with the hand of my child still within my grasp. This display of delinquency ended with a trip to the EMS station and the Emergency Room.

Brice had let out a scream that was different from that of the other one that was involved in the rant and began clutching his elbow. After the normal tantrum time limit had elapsed I became concerned when he could not be consoled. I made a trip to the local EMS station to see (for free) some of the men and women whom I have served with while with the Sheriff's Office. As they began to check him out I was asked, "How did this happen?" and I began to explain and I quickly noticed the glares and looks of "disbelief". I know these looks well because I have dished out quite a few within my day. I was then informed to take him to the Emergency Room. There is no lower feeling to know that your child is injured and hurt and that it is all your fault. So we make the trip to the Hospital and run through the same process as before. The Medical staff began their check and then I was asked, "How did this happen?" Again under the judgmental glare of the medical staff I explained how I was holding Brice's hand and he went to "flop" onto the floor and I held his arm up to keep him off the floor.

After a brief consultation from the Doctor I was informed that this is the "most common" injury brought into the Emergency Room among small children. I was relieved to find out that it was "NOT MY FAULT".

Well onto the other incident. I have 2 dogs in our house. Both are spoiled an complete wusses when it comes to being tough and rugged. A few nights ago we were preparing to eat dinner and Brice was talking with food in his hand and as I was scurrying around to get things put into place Brice begins crying horribly. I could tell that Rufus the Dachshund had bitten him while attempting to steal his chicken. This is an issue that happens with some frequency so I reacted toward Rufus and hit him as a form of discipline. In doing so Rufus lets out a loud yelp and goes to hide. A whole day and a half had passed and he was still hiding and not able to move around very good. SO off to the Vet for a visit. Again under the judgmental stares of the Vet staff i must explain why my dog is lame. Needless to say they did not like hearing how my dog was now because I "wailed" on it. Finally after some affectionate petting and consoling Rufus is on the mend and life is being restored.


I absolutely love modern technology. For some who has a constant need for human interaction I am easily "sucked in" by many of the onine social communities. Currently I find myself "drawn" to . It is online computer crack. It is addictive, time consuming and of they ever started charging for it I would be broke, selling my kids belongings for a simple log-in. I didn't always like it. I was a steady MySpacer and found Facebook difficult. Well lets just say that MySpace was my gateway drug. Now I am a full blown FB addict. It is a great way to connect and re-connect with not these friends but real ones. With each new addition to my list of friends I am overwhelmed by memories of good times and life lived. Friends are a unique creature. Friendships never seem to miss a beat regardless of how much time passes by they always seem to pick up right where they left off. That is pretty special. I have found old friends (in age and length of friendship), recent friends, friends who live far far away (but not with Shrek), friends who have changed drastically, some who have not changed at all and even some that I never really liked. But once you get into the grown up world all those petty things seem to wash away. Some of these relationships are awkard in the fact that when we ran in certain circles they were just people we knew and now that we all live in various parts of the world the simple fact of us rmembering each other fits the criteria for a new found friendship.

So reach out and reconnect. Be kind to everyone always because you never know you may just have to send them a Friend Request someday.

Friday, August 8, 2008

A Call to Remember

We all know that things can happen and before you know your life can change in an instant. This is especially true as a Law Enforcement Officer. I was reminded of that very same thing today when I bumped into a lady whom I will never forget but barely know. It was around Christmas time in 2004. I was working in Road Patrol and assigned to the Midnight shift. I remember there wasn't much going on this night and it was rather slow. Finally, I hear dispatch call my radio ID number and I respond. Dispatch has a call for service to assist the Highway Patrol. I like the trooopers so I was ok with this "disruption" to my quiet night. I then discover that I am to do a death notification. These are horrible...Usually left up to a Supervisor, but as the story goes there are never any around when you need one. I gather myself and collect the information and arrive at the house. It is late, about 3am or so. I knock on the door and there you cannot imagine any louder sound than that of you knocking on a door at 3am. Eventually a small framed older woman answers the door. She has an accent (Islander like) and a soft sweet voice. I go through my "rehearsed" speech that I had gone over and over through my head while in the car and on my way to her residence. I had the duty of telling her that a loved one had just been killed in another county in an automobile accident. Dispatch had given the person's name and when I tell her and she has no response. Finally a smirk like expression comes across her face and she informs me that "that" particular person (husband) passed away almost 5 years ago. Now I don't know what to do....Did I wake the wrong family up? Is this lady crazy? I politely excuse myself from the home and apologize and tell the nice lady good night. In a rage of embarassment and sympathy I call dispatch and have them confirm the information. The Highway Patrol forgot to put JR. on the end and I now had to re-address the woman and inform her that her son was now dead. This time in a moment of shock the woman stands there. She looks outside for the son's vehicle and then she hugs me, says "Thank You" and I leave. It was solemnly silent. I had no clue what to say or do . I do remember praying for her and her family. I left thinking she doubted the information I had just given her. Whether it was denial or wishful thinking on her part, besides I had already given her the wrong information once. I remember it was a Sunday night/Monday morning and my week was over for a few days. During my days off all I could do is think about this woman and her situation. When I went back to work on Wednesday I almost immediately went to check on her. Again she hugged me and told me everything was ok. I have seen her a few times since the incident, each time I get a great big hug and she always says "Thank You". Well today I bumped into her and it was all the same. She always tells me about the other children and grand children. I walked awy from there almost "having a moment" right there in the grocery store. I walked away feeling my eyes swell up and my chin begin to quiver. WOW....This is one of the reasons why people become cops. I realized a while back that I was the only person who could have taken that call. Not that I am any better than anyone else, but God had planned it that way. My "bond" now with this little old lady is proof of that. At that moment today I have never ever been more proud to be a Law Enforcement Officer.
As a side note-I was in training all this week and we examined Officers and Officer Involved Shootings. We met real heroes who had to take someone else's life for the protection of others. I was moved by this because each hero had their own way of dealing with it and their own response. It was a reminder of how dangerous this job can be, how quickly your whole life can change (forever) and that each moment is a true gift from God. I have tried this week to hug Brice "just one more time" and to talk to Jennifer "just one more time" and enjoy and live life. I am thankful that I have a God who has protected me and has allowed me to do what I do.
One Day At A Time-Sweet Jesus...