Friday, June 27, 2008


Let me tell you about my wife...We will celebrate 11 years of Marriage this Saturday 6/28. After dating for nearly 5 years we have been together for a while. It hasn't always been easy...
I had to "trick" her into going out with me. I told her I was planning her a birthday party. She was the only one I invited. She and I had a class together in college (8am-not a great choice of times for me) and I sat at the back of her row-she sat in the front (she didn't know any better) and I had to pass by her desk to get to mine. I would "purposely" arrive after her and then as she is seated i would knock on her desk and eventually would get the nerve to leave candy on her desk. I finally got the nerve to call her one day. I had written out a list of topics to discuss in order to avoid any awkard silent moments. I get my list and finally call and as I am telling her who I am it is not ringing a bell with her. I started out with first name, then last name, then I finally told her we had a class together, named the class, the professor and then she says, "ok-now I know who you are". Well she remembered the guy who sat next to her (who was not me) and I had no plan B so the phone conversation ended.

One night after a Campus meeting where she and her roommate had sang together I had yet another idea. I recruited the help of one of my buddies and we approached the girls with an offer. It went a little something like this...."Hey we are starting a singing group and we were wondering if you wanted to be a part of it?" Well, they accepted and we had a few rehearsals, I was surprised at how many rehearsals we had because I had yet to sing the 1st note. However, the friendship had been formed.

After that first date we have had some ups and downs but I have no regrets for all the hard work and trickery it took to get her to go out with me. We survived long distances, astronomical phone bills, angry parents (phone bills) and countless misunderstandings.

To this day I still believe one of my scariest moments in life was calling her parents to "meet with them". I drove down to her parents and showed them the ring and asked if for their blessing in asking Jennifer to marry me. I really thought it would be a yes or no type situation. I had prepared for both. After what appeared to be days of silence her Dad asks a question. I was not prepared for questions....He asked me "What do I feel the Lord has called Jennifer and I to? I remember "squeaking" out an answer and feeling relieved thinking that answer would suffice. Well, then there was another question. It further questioned my previous answer. Finally, I survived or they had mercy and quit asking questions.

After our engagement we of course got married. Several moments stand out for me...I remember playing golf that morning. Brent and I rode together and everyone was in such a rush. Well most of you know how I am about rushing (I don't do it). I arrived at the church and immediately was bombarded with people all dressed up wondering why I wasn't dressed? I had gotten there wearing flips flops, a baseball cap and shorts with a tshirt. Aunt Brenda had fixed me a plate of food so I sat down to eat while everyone scurried around me. I remembered by shuffled from one hiding place to the next because jennifer and her entourage could not decide where to go. I remember seeing her as the doors of the church opened and how beautiful she was and thinking to myself-"don't cry dont cry-happy thoughts don't dry". It didn't work and then as we said our vows it felt like I swore off everything. The vows seemed like they lasted 10 days. As we drove off we arrived and Jennifer's house (parents) and a kid was in the driveway asking about the truck that was for sale. Both of us a blubbering mess he said he would come back later, he must have thought we were emotionally tied to the truck or something. After a ride to the mountains we arrive at our honeymoon destination. The next morning (our 1st morning as husband and wife) I wake up to a sobbing bride. Sobbing doesn't really fit but I cannot find a word that is worse than sobbing. What did I do? How do I make her stop? I'm hungry should I go to breakfst without her and bring her something back? She eventually called home and that seemed to make it better.

We have survived cross country moves, small apartments, evil landlords, sad good byes, great opportunities, new adventures, desperate times and times of loss. Through it all God has been faithful. We have learned to serve the Lord together, only after learning to serve Him alone.

Jennifer is the greatest thing. She is funny, tough, resourceful, creative, loving and my best friend.

Happy Anniversary...Being with you is what makes it HAPPY>

Worry, Small Talk and Sugar Cane

I do not consider myself a "worrier" and if I do on occassion decide to worry, I do not like for anyone else to know that I worry. I try to be a "rock" an "anchor" and worrying is not a good quality for either one of those personality types.

With gas prices increasing by the minute and our economy the worst I can ever remember I can say that I am a little "concerned" with everything. Florida passed a Property Tax deal that would lower property tax and in return the budgets of local emergency services and schools would be lowered, due to the cut in local property tax base. So for the first time in my career I have grown increasingly conscious of lay-offs, cutbacks and other budget disasters. There used to be an old saying that there were 2 jobs that would always be safe and that was teachers and Law Enforcement, well in our corner of the world they are both being laid off.

As if this news is not enough the 2nd largest employer of the county announced they were selling out to the State of Florida. US Sugar announced a plan to sell their land for the revitalization of the Everglades. 1700 jobs will now be done away with for the "restoration" of swampland. Within the city I am sure that US Sugar represents nearly 75-80% (generous estimate) of the city's tax base, as well as a large percentage of the county's tax base. Although it will be a slow transition (6 years) the thought of our community becoming a ghost town or a haven for violent crime and poverty is a little unnerving.

A day after this announcement I am at the gas pumps with Brice and he is "helping" me pump gas. Beside me is a big black SUV and a nice gentleman gets out and begins pumping his gas. After some time passes he peeks his head around and says it is a sad day when $100 cannot fill up your vehicle. Still "floored" about the US Sugar deal and the upcoming financial woes and doom to follow I chimed in with "yep, and it doesn't look like it will get any better with the closing of "Sugar" (big mistake)". I should have kept my mouth shut because I had just thrown my 2 cents at the CEO of one of "sugar's" citrus companies. Well, he still remains to be a nice man. He politely ask if I worked for Sugar and I replied, "no sir", expecting him at this time to tell me to mind my own business. Without a lot of detail he said that the community will be ok. The poeple of Sugar will be OK.

Let me pause to tell you something "spooky". While traveling to the Gas station with the Sugar deal heavy on my mind I thought (literally) what about the people who agreed to this deal? How will they be received by their employees? Do they worry about their safety? How have their lives been effected? Not 2 minutes after that I am face to face with Mr. CEO.

Mr. CEO had began telling me about "his" day and how he had to meet with employees all-day and share the news with them. He also told me of how his day was interupted by a funeral he had to attend of a 33 year old man (hey-that's my age group). Suddenly out of the sky a big pile of bricks fell on top of me. Mr. CEO must have seen it because he said the same thing I was thinking. "Work is work, our job should NOT be our life." Mr. CEO appeared to be saddened over the fact that his day was not yet complete. He had an 11pm appointment with the midnight shift at the plant to tell them yet again the news.

My heart went out to Mr. CEO. By this time I am holding Brice (so he doesn't get run over) and almost as if it is an object lesson, the man looks at Brice and says-"This is YOUR life" take care of him. As I worked to close my jaw dropped mouth I mustered up the words that EVERYTHING will be ok. We then "shared" that God is our provider, He's the Landlord, the Accountant, the CEO and Dad that we all need to make it through and "be OK".

The whole way home I was so upset for bringing up the Sugar thing. It really is NONE of my business. But I have come to believe that my big mouth may have been the Lord's way to minister to me and the CEO. The encounter with Mr. CEO was odd in the fact that I feel that both of us kind of ministered to ourselves as much as we did to the other.

The thing I want remind us (me included) is to be sensitive of opportunities to share, to smile and chit chat. You never know what may spring up from it. As a side bar also TRUST the Lord for He is in control.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Father's Day: Day of Reflection

Well today is Father's Day. I take joy in telling people it is my 4th Father's Day when Brice is only 3. Brice's first trip "out" was on Father's Day 2005 when he was just a few days old and we went to church. I remember being so proud. That feeling really hasn't changed at all. I can remember being so "scared" of Brice. He was so little and small and I felt like a giant and was so scared that I would break him. I was concerned with every grunt, cry and moan and always worried myself with what do I do now?
I learned, maybe too late or right on time, that kids are tougher than we know and that we put all the pressure on ourselves. I have done some really cool things as a Dad and I have messed up here and there too. Through it all both Brice and I have survived (so far). Every day I am challenged in a new way from Brice. I am constantly amazed at how fast he has grown, how much smarter he is than I give him credit for and the countless number of cute little ways he tries to get my attention. "The greatest gift I ever had came from God-and he calls me Dad!" by an unknown author.
Today is a celebration of "family". I believe that in today's household, Mom's and Dad's have become a "blended" role that we call a "Parent". I could not do this without Jennifer and I am thankful for both her and Brice. Brice is entering into a stage where he is alot of fun to "hang out" with. He is very independant and entertaining. I love the times we have together. Whether it be singing songs together on our way to Day Care, watching silly movies on TV or making fun of Mommy we have a good time. I can see the little things he does that I know he has picked up from me and some of it is cute; while some of it is scary....
Although I was treated to a barrage of gifts with Father's Day, Birthday and Anniversary all very close together I truly enjoyed spending the time with my family the most today. Daddy got to try his hand at making "homemade ice cream" and did get to have a relaxing nap (uninterupted, in the dark, in my own bed and without time restraints).
As I have spent most of the day reminescing about being a father, being a son I must admit I have had a day full of love and great memories. Today in church the children had a presentation where they sang "Jesus Loves Me" and then sang a 2nd verse that said, "Jesus loves YOU" and as they did they each went and grabbed their Dads by the hand and brought them forward. The thing that got me the most was how there were men there who probably realize that they have not been the best of Dads, some who did not get to experience a Dad and some who grew up with a great Dad and every scenario in between. I was reminded of our Heavenly Father who was "THE" father who was to be honored on Father's Day. He loves us and regardless of what kind of Dad we are or what kind of Dad we had He still loves us, cvares for us and calls us HIS own. He is as proud of us as I am of Brice (if not more).
Finally I look back and see alot of my Dad in me as I am starting to see so much of me in Brice and I am reminded of this quote..." He didn't tell me how to live; he lived, and let me watch him do it. ~Clarence Budington Kelland" I hope that I too can live by this pinciple as my Dad did. I have desired to be a Dad for a long time and have suffered, struggled and prayed until it happened. I think the greatest desire to be a father comes from the goal of being a great Dad like the one I have. I love you Dad.
To Brice I want to say "Thanks Dude!" for being the reason I celebrate Father's Day. You are a blessing far greater than you will ever be able to understand. I enjoy you and look forward to so much more. You make me happy. I want to watch you grow and become your own person and if you ever need any help always remember I am by your side. I love you BRICEY!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Happy Birthday

Jennifer has already blogged about Brice's Birthday but I too would like to share. As a parent you start out when the children are young with a list of attributes you would like your child to have and then there are the things you hope to teach or pass on to your child. Well I was pleased to see some of these things unfold today.

Brice awoke to find the house decorated in Scooby-Doo. We had built up this party for some time and he was anxious so it was a "Christmas Morning" type awakening this afternoon when Brice got up from his nap. He was soooo excited and as his friends started arriving he was telling them there is a BIG surprise and was telling them all "let me cho you sumtin!!!" Even though the party was for Brice he was so fixed on sharing this experience with everyone. I was pleased to see him share and take turns, thanking people for the gifts they brought and really being a sweet host. I was proud.

The highlight was his new Fire Truck. We got him a ride along Fire Truck and it is so cool. Brice is really into Fire Trucks and Fire Fighters right now and I too think they are "generally" super people. Well today some of our own "Hometown Heroes" brought the Fire aTruck to the house for te kids to see and experience. This was really great.

I cannot help but think during times like this what would Brice's life been like without us and what would are lives be without him. I think alot about his birth Mother and what she must go through every year around this time. To coin an old Garth Brooks' song "I guess the Lord knows what He is doing after all..."

My baby boy is growing up and I am so pleased with the gentleman he is becoming. Whenever you see a Firefighter or Police Officer remember it is little things like today that shape and mold a child's heart, dream and ambition. Thank You guys you are 10-8!

Cleaning Up the Clutter

This weekend I was able to do something I have not been able to do in over 2 years. There was a full size fully functioning automobile parked inside our garage. Our garage had always been a "catch-all" of sorts and storage for many out of the way things. Well this weekend I met it head on. After countless tyrips to the dumpster with loads and loads of "stuff" and other trips taking donations to other places the garage was finally swept out and ready to start housing some vehicles.

Late in the afternoon Jennifer lets out a squeal and I automatically think, " What is it now?" Well convinced she has encountered a 50 pound black widow I "rush" over to see in the handle of an old bucket that it was indeed a black widow. I assisted this spider to the "afterlife" and consoled my poor wife for her scary ordeal. Now many times I have been ridiculed and scoffed at for my "mean" (misunderstood) spirit. But I will have you know that even though we were back to work in the garage I never, ever, not even once acted out on my strong urges to point at my wife's feet and say "don't move!" or "SPIDER!". I did chuckle each time I thought of it but I never did go through with it. Am I not the sweetest?

Well today I looked at a passage in Pslam 139 where David was doing some "clutter cleaning" himself. Well, he cries out to the Lord to "search me". David was a guy who was either hot or cold when it came to the Lord. One moment he would be doing mighty things for the Lord and then before you know it he would do something outrageously wicked. Well i his cry he asked for the Lord to search him in order to make him right. I began thinking about our day of clutter cleaning and how it was amazing some of the things you put away and lose track of. Countless times I would have to stop and say, "wow, look at this" or " I have been wondering where this thing was". Some items I had totally forgotten about. The same is true within our own lives. We can tuck, cram and hide things within our own lives and if we leave it alone long enough we forget that it is there. Easy enough? Well the truth is that whatever it is we hide does not go away if we hide it; basically it is just removed from "our" sight.

In order to have a renewed fellowship with our Creator we must "clean our clutter". Allowing God to search us , purify us and change us we must let go of alot of stuff even if we have forgotten it or hid it. Is it ironic that the things we hold close to us (not giving it to the Lord) are usually the things that hinder us or harm us the most.

I pray that each of us "trust' God's Grace and forgiveness enough to allow Him to help us clean up the clutter. I can attest to the fact that it is a hard chore; but rewarding when it is done.

Sunday, June 1, 2008


For some time now I have wanted a GPS of my very own. Not that I ever get lost or anything; but sometimes I think I would enjoy the sound of someone reminding me that I am on the right path or a "friendly" voice "gently" telling me that I have abandoned my desired route. Well, nevertheless, I am not blessed with such a gadget. Or am I?

Our service today had Pastor Jay sharing about how easy the Christian Life is as long as we learn to "be obedient" to the nudging of the Holy Spirit. Then all of the sudden my A.D.D. kicked in and I began thinking about how our (Christian Life) is a journey. The song from Cars will not leave my head-"Life is a highway..." and I begin thinking about how bad I want a GPS. Then it hits me. God blessed us with what He referred to as "the helper" and what I now recognize as a GPS (Godly Positioned Spirit). The GPS is CONSTANTLY advising us of where we should be going. But, for whatever reason we do not obey. Either the kids are screaming, the radio is too loud, the car in front is going too slow or whatever else that may distract us. It hits me again as to why I probably do not already have a GPS (Electronic) is that I am so consumed with everything around me that I would not listen to what the GPS is telling me.

So be encouraged today to know that God has provided you with a GPS for your journey. Be careful. You must pay close attention to it or else it is not effective.

PS-Tell my wife this makes a great gift idea. The electronic one not the Holy One I am already using it.
Life is a highway and I want to ride it all night long...

Why Blog?

Well first things first...I have blogged a little bit here and there on my own. But now my super creative spouse has started the Blog revolution in the Griffin household. So not to be outdone I decided I too would create a site to let the world see my views, aticdotes, philosphy on life and overall perceptions that I have kept silent for too long. SO I have combined my blogs from other sites and created a few new ones for the world to see. But none of this would not have happened if I had not been WOWED by my wife's page and dedication to writing the memoirs of our lives. Besides now that I know she is blogging everything I better be careful what I say--"it can be used against me..." Check out her page and let her know she rocks...I love you Baby.