Friday, May 30, 2008

The Good Old Days...

Technology: Are we better off because of it or is it proof that we as society have become lazier and lazier while our inter-personal skills have been deadened along the way? For example; texting cell phones...This seems redundant to me. Think about it. 10 years ago if we were told that we would have to communicate with everyone by "typing" and NOT allowed to talk to them we would have flipped. Today, however cell phones are marketed to do just that TEXT instead of TALK. Although I do text on a normal basis I still do not understand its reason for existance. Sometimes it is fun and useful in a meeting or in a situation when cell phones are not allowed, but as a main source of communication, please...First of all, I do find it easier to text with my cop buddies because we can say so much with numeric codes that other people do not understand. The flip side of that is the normal text codes that "I" do not understand. I find it much easier (especially with Direct Connect) to just call the person up spit your business out and get it over with instead of opening the message, deciding if you want your reply to appear with the "sent" message and then typing (with your thumbs) your message. Also, what if you send a message using text code and your recepient does not know text code then they are left thinking you are pretty close to illiterate. If this generation continues with emails, text and digital technology where will we be in 10 years? Our kids will not have sharpened their interpersonal skills because they can either text or type their feelings and send without remorse to anyone they choose. Without these skills how will they become good freinds, efffective leaders, loving parents, sensitive spouses or just good people? If we allow them to only be influenced and instructed by technology we will have robbed them of some of life's greatest joys and that is...PEOPLE. This may sound extreme but maybe not. Life is really great not only enjoying people but being a person is great too. Emails, text and other tecnical activities lack feeling, personality and character and it is all left up to the recepient to "fill in their own blanks". Another thing is, I mentioned the Direct Connect. Many phone service providers allow this type of technology, but all of my experience has been with NEXTEL (whoever they are today) and I have another observation. What makes the clicking of the button to talk make everyone feel like they have to be a trucker trapped in a cop's body. For example, you hear a phone beep with someone trying to converse with you via Direct Connect and what do you here? "Go ahead" and I am almost certain that there is a good buddy heard in the faint distance. Also, when you are conversing with someone and you agree with what they are saying via Direct Connect what do you say? "10-4" Do this many people say go ahead and 10-4 when using their regular phones? We should be very mindful of not allowing our technology to mold us into drooling window lickers with no personality or the sense to make up our own minds. Think about it. Finally, I had to sit down and hand write a letter the other day, oh my gosh (OMG) it was only maybe 3 paragraphs long and I had to stop and allow my hand to rest from the excrutiating pain of having to write sooo much. If I had to write 100 times "I WILL NOT TALK WHILE THE TEACHER IS TEACHING" it would kill me, literally! So take a moment relax, slow-down and enjoy your life one day at a time.

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