Friday, May 30, 2008


Have you ever been held down or tied up? It's not very fun is it? As a kid I hated to be held down and tickled. The fear of being "captive", ranks up there with snakes and Hilary Clinton being President. I think about people who are incarcerated (in jail) and how they spend the whole time that they are locked up wishing they were out. Days and days followed by hours upon hours of dreaming about what life will be like when they get out. Sometimes people who have been in captivity so long forget how to live in the free world. What about our lives as Christians?
Galatians 5:1 "So Christ has truly set us free. Now make sure that you stay free, and don't get tied up again in slavery to the law (sin)."
So many times we find ourselves fighting to be free and then almost immediately we go back to those shackles and chains and become a prisoner AGAIN to the life that had imprisoned us before. What prison are you locked up in? Everyone of us have spent time in one cell or another; but what seperates us is how soon we are released into freedom. God offers us this "freedom" through His son Jesus. The Bible tells that whoever the Lord sets free is definetly free. The great thing is He will set free anyone who "asks" to be free. Imagine the jailhouse full of prisoners who watch as someone is released into the free world and all they had to do is say,"Hey can you let me out of here?" Think about everyone who had to sit there day after day trying to get out, hoping to get out and dreaming of what life would be like when they did get out. The amazement they must have felt, the anger they endured for not knowing about this sooner and the period of regret they had for not doing anything about it.
Regardless of what sin holds you captive you can still receive FREEDOM. Becoming free is pretty easy-staying free is much more difficult.
Think about all the episodes of COPS we have seen on TV. You always see the people running away from jail. I have YET to see someone running as fast as they can to get to jail.
Remember God has set you free! He has also equipped you with the ability to stay out of jail and remain free.
If you are in the jail of sin then you must first ask to get out. "JESUS I AM IN JAIL AND WANT TO BE OUT"...Through the blood of Jesus you are bailed out of the jail of sin and placed into the world of forgiveness and freedom.
Once your feet have hit the ground outside of your jail then you must remain free. "JESUS COME INTO MY LIFE AND TAKE CONTROL OF EVERYTHING, MY THOUGHTS, MY ACTIONS, DESIRES AND LEAD ME INTO A LIFE OF FREEDOM."
Do not run back to the jail of sin that you have been freed from instead walk in the presence of a God who loves you and dance in the field of freedom, because that is why it is there. Trade in your running shoes for some dancing shoes.

"Hey DJ turn up the music so we DANCE..."

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