Friday, May 30, 2008

Are You Wearing Clean Underwear?

My mother always questioned me on the presence of clean underwear. As if that was the most important thing a person could own. Nevermind the concerns of how many people will actually be able to determine if my undergarments of choice were clean or inside out for a fresh start to day 2. Nevertheless my sweet Mother warned me of the potential of being in a severe automobile wreck and being tended to by Emergency Medical workers in the middle of the highway and the embarassment that would ensue if I was caught with "less than tidy-tighty and not so whitie underwear. To this day I do not understand-but I still make sure I have clean undies.
There is a similar story in the Bible where God goes to Jeremiah and has a underwear discussion with him. The story is similar because it talks about underwear and then the stories become very different very fast. See God ordered Jeremiah (Jer. 13:1-11) to go and buy new underwear and to put it on. OK so far so good. Jeremiah is sporting a new pair of seat covers and goes about minding his own business. Then the Lord tells him to go down by the river (Euphrates) and to take his underwear and hide it in the rocks. This is not painting a pretty picture at all. The Bible says a long period of time passes and the Lord goes to Jeremiah and tells him to go back to the river and to the rocks and get his underwear back. The fact that the Bible mentions this as a "long" period of time I am led to believe that those once new undies that had been worn (never washed) and now stored for a long time in a hole of musty rocks , in nasty river water and all kinds of other things were really gross at this point. We have probably yet to see any nasty underwear that could compare to what Jeremiah was sent to retrieve. They were so nasty the Bible says they were "rotting" and "falling apart".
Right now I am so glad God called Jeremiah and not me to do the ultimate diaper duty. The Lord comes to Jeremaih with a message-That underwear is like the people of Judah and Jerusalem and their own pride. "I will ROT away the pride of the people of Judah and Jerusalem".
None of us would "purposefully" wear rotten underwear. (I hope not anyway...) The Bible describes our pride as rotting us and making us useless to God's work. People generally look good when they strut around with alot of pride-just like Jeremiah's underwear once looked good. But pride sets in and makes us rotten and over a period of time God don't want to use us because we are so rotten, filthy and nasty.
Jeremiah used alot of objects and illustrations to get people's attention and to generate their curiosity and this time he took a very intimate part of everyone's wardrobe and made it the center of attention. The Lord tells Jeremiah that underwaer is designed to be worn close-the Bible says, "clinging to the waist". Likewise I created Judah and Jerusalem to cling to me and to be close.
Are you wearing clean underwear? Are you something that God can use? Don't allow the sins of life to creep in and "stain" your life. There is a wonderful creator (much like my Mom) who wants to make sure you are wearing clean underwear. Live close to God in order to fulfill His purpose in your life. Don't let the devil give you a wedgie!

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