Sunday, July 20, 2008

A Special Moment

Monday Night the All-Star Home Run Derby was special to me for a couple of reasons. It turned into a great Daddy and Brice moment when he "allowed" me to watch the game with him on the big TV and opting out of his normal routine of Scooby Doo or some other bedtime show. He watched intently as we discussed moving your hands through "the zone", rotating your body and driving with your legs. I am sure we will have to review at a later date but it was great to have "this" with Brice. We observed what I thought was going to be a mediocre Derby because there were no SUPERSTARS. No big names and not even anyone with any killer stats. From the beginning I chose Josh Hamilton. He plays for the Rangers (my second favorite AL team) and he has cool tattoos. I found out later he was also from North Carolina and I thought it was cool that he was allowing his former coach pitch and experience the All-Star event as a show of appreciation. By this time I am thinking I picked a pretty good guy. As the night continued I became engulfed in this man's story. He had survived a hard battle with drug addiction, had been kicked out of baseball, lost his family and his dream. I began thinking there is only one way all of these things can take place and then see him in the All-Star classic. Josh Hamilton has had a lifechanging encounter with God. As Josh was being interviewed he continued to give thanks to an Awesome God. He described his comeback as a "God Thing". I was so impressed.

Hamilton went on to hit 28 First round Homers. A new record. He put on a clinic. Players, fans and Immortals were awe struck at this man's performance. After the First round it was a moving sight to see ALL the players come and pat him on the back and cheer him on. For a moment men set aside competition and enjoyed life. It was great to see. Players who were on the field with their kids kept sending them up during the at-bats to get autographs, high fives and deliver gatorade to Josh. Everyone wanted to be a part of this story.

His story is that after several (6) trips in and out of Rehab, many nights of wanting and trying to kill himself he hit rock bottom. Out of desperation and with nowhere else to go. A noticeably weak and frail man knocks on the door of his grandmother in the early morning hours. With the love of a grandmother she tells him he needs to get his life straight. She tells him the only way this can happen is if he surrenders to God. By the wonderful grace of a loving God, the prayers of a faithful Grandma and a dream that won't die Josh found himself on the road to recovery.

At the end of the night Brice and I had a great time with the game I love, I found a new hero and Josh Hamilton finished 2nd in a wonderful night of baseball competition.

I was disappointed to see that he did not win; but ultimately I know he has already won. Thank You Josh Hamilton for restoring the joy of watching baseball and for giving my son someone of character to look up to and admire. PLAY BALL!

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Random Thoughts

Unfortunately we have all known churches like this. Although it is TRUE do not let your worries dictate your life.

What a profound picture...

I like this sign...So many Churches calim this is not true; but embrace and change it. Other people realize it and many times stay away because of it. So why not ignore it any longer and BE REAL!

Although it is "a bit much" I do think it is pratical and hopefully useful.

It sounds a bit disgruntled doesn't it?

Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy 4th of July

Happy 4th of July...I love this holiday!
It is all about loving your country and Celebrating your Freedom. Sure you have your parades, picnics and fireworks but it all goes along with the "CELEBRATION". The other thing about this holiday is it doesn't have outside influences distracting the TRUE meaning of the holiday. For example, Christmas has become all about the gift giving instead of celebrating the Birth of Jesus. The 4th of July is all about America. I love the country in which I live, I love everything about it and would not want to be anywhere else. I feel that the American flag is the greatest piece of fabric in existance, it is a great logo, emblem and distinguishing piece of art. So when you set aside a day to celebrate the things I love then this is it the 4th of July.
I am also amazed at the cost of such a celebration. With men and women everywhere leaving their families behind and the comforts of all they know to stand against everything that could take our freedom away. WOW! How do you say "Thanks". We recently learned of the deaths of 2 soldiers who lost their life serving as Soldiers in Iraq. Both soldiers with roots to such a small town. Everyone has been effected in some way or another. I know people when they hear of these things take the opportunity to speak out against war and our particular involvement in a war. Or they question the decisions of our leaders. The first thing that stands out to me is that without the men and women of our Armed Forces these poeple would not be allowed to publicly voice their opinion, or be able to mock and heckle the ruler of its nation without great fear of retaliation. We have all heard the phrases and mottos of one giving all fo the service and love of their country but the thing that moves me most is how these soldiers for a brief moment walk in a similar path as our Lord. Laying down one's life for the sake of another. That is why it is so precious to me.
John 15:12-14 (The Message)
11-15"I've told you these things for a purpose: that my joy might be your joy, and your joy wholly mature. This is my command: Love one another the way I loved you. This is the very best way to love. Put your life on the line for your friends. You are my friends when you do the things I command you.
Even the great men who signed our beloved Declaration of Independance were not with out their great sacrifices. Many of the signers were taken into custody as prisoners, as hostages, as objects of torment all in the name of Freedom. Their lives ruined, sacrificed and changed in the name of Freedom. Their families, their homes, their businesses, careers and dreams compromissed for the price of Freedom. I have heard it said that Freedom isn't FREE at all.
As this holiday is winding down I want you to think of how great you r country is. With gas prices going through the roof and an economy that is weak and shaky it is STILL the greatest plae to live. Thank God tonight for our forefathres who helped to trailblaze the road to freedom. The men who looked to the Lord for Guidance and Strength to change history with the scratching of a pen on an old parchment. For the men and women who fight for freedom. Finally, and for those who must carry on.
I would not feel right in sharing my thoughts on freedom and not mention the grace and freedom our Lord jesus Christ offers. It is way more than being Patriotic, and it is even more than being a Christian. It is about a man who laid down his life for YOU. What will you do with that?

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Shhhhh...It's NOT a Secret!

1 Peter 2:9 (The Message) 9-10But you are the ones chosen by God, chosen for the high calling of priestly work, chosen to be a holy people, God's instruments to do his work and speak out for him, to tell others of the night-and-day difference he made for you—from nothing to something, from rejected to accepted.

I can recall a Christian song from a few years back that said, "You don't have the right to remain silent..." An obvious play on words from the phrases you hear on TV Cop shows. However, there is alot of spiritual truth to that. For example, Why do we as Christians remain silent, or soft spoken about the goodness of the Lord? I think for me it goes back to the negative connotations of childhood and being raised in churches that were "off the mark" in their approach to Evangelism.

We used to call it "witnessing"- much like a courtroom witness would tell their story from an "eyewitness" account. Meaning they would share something that they were a part of and had first hand knowledge of. I can remember so many times the question...."If you were to die tonight do you know where you would spend eternity?" No Hello-how are you?-great weather-nice shirt-nothing to break the ice. This was difficult for me it was weird and impersonal. I cannot recall great revivals at the hand of this tactic.

Then there was the tract method. Using strategery and economical cleverly phrased booklets to catch the eyes of its readers after being left in higgly visible places and random spots or distributed outside like free coupoins at a supermarket. Again I cannot recall any success stories in regards to this type of practice.

I have been in services, encounters and divine appointments that have resulted in people turning their lives to the Lord and surrendering into His precious Grace. Sure there are moments when these type of encounters have been used of God to change the life of an unbeliever; but what is the goal. Where is the finish line?

Personally, I feel that the best way to reach someone is by being their freind. I know that takes time; but I do feel that God calls us to be friendly, loving, enjoyable, pleasant, inviting, appealing and real. People are looking for something that can change their life and we have to live and "SHOW" that we have changed by the power of God's grace. We need to smile at people. Quit honking our horns we cars pull out in front of us. Limit our complaining. Be encouragers, huggers, role models for happiness. Good freinds, parents, neighbors, employees, spouses, guests, hosts, partners, teammates, etc. People are drawn to people. Draw people to you in order to show them (with your life) who Jesus is. Get them involved in your church. Have them over to your house for coffee, dessert and conversations.

Many have missed the boat by believing their church is where they go on Sunday. The "CHURCH" is all around us. Many talk about impacting the Kingdom of God with plans they have for their church (building). The Kingdom of God IS all around us. Our ministry should be outward and our worship inward. Not the opposite. The "title" of your church has nothing to do with the type of church you are. many have forgotten that we are all one church-those believing Jesus Christ as Lord a fellowship of Believers. Where it becomes muddy is when the "Quarterback" looks at the "linebacker" and says you are wrong, we do not do it this way. They are both on the same team and ultimately striving for the same goal. But positions have assigned themselves their own status and began seeing "elevations" at the foot of the cross. God loves quarterbacks and linebackers EQUALLY. Value has been placed on styles of worship, responses to worship, ideas, theology and even success in an attempt to be "SPIRITUAL". God loved the thief on the cross, who never sang one song, read one scripture or did one thing for "the kingdom", just as much as he loved David or Peter or Billy Graham. The foot of the cross is level.

I had a "fake" Rolex at one time and I thought it was the greatest thing. People didn't know it was fake and I was always looking for opportunities to show someone what time it was. Hoping to create some dialog about my amazingly cool watch. Well shouldn't we be the same way about our Lord. He is much greater than my BO-lex. Our motivation should be to try and inject Jesus into everything we do. 1 Corinthians 10:31 (New Living Translation) 31 So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.

People need to know that they are important. If we cannot make them feel this way they will never get close enough to Jesus to find out for themselves. Do not be afraid to tell everyone about your amazingly awesome friend JESUS.